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 Document::Members - Manage a Members file.


 use Document::Members;
 $obj = Document::Members->new

 @members      = $obj->members
 $flg          = $obj->isMember      ($member)
 $flg          = $obj->addMembers    (@members)
 $flg          = $obj->removeMembers (@members)
 @curselection = $obj->initmark
 @listmark     = $obj->mark




This Class manages a sorted hierarchical hash of set members. It manages addition and subtraction of members; tests for set membership and does the book-keeping so that 'foreach' operations may be done on the set or subsets of the members. The sorting required for stepping through elements in alphabetic order is only done when necessary (an internal flag has been set to indicate the changes have been made) and at the last possible moment (lazy evaluation).

For the most part this class will be used as an Abstract Superclass. It is structured so that elements are defined not by a single lookup key, but by a path list of keys which lead from the root members hash to a terminal element. This allows a foreach operation to traverse the entire structure via depth first recursive search. In this class there is only the first level. But the structure is all here for subclasses to chain, override and extend.

For example, a subclass implementing a three level hierarchy might have address marks something like this:

      (Book1, Page1, Paragraph5)

where Book1 is the top level hash key. The hash attached to Book1 is accessed with the Page1 second level hash key; the hash attached to Page1 can then finally be accessed with Paragraph5 to return the data stored at the leaf (terminal) node.


 use Document::Members;
 my $foo          = Document::Members->new ();
 my $flg          = $obj->addMembers    ("one","two","three","four");
    $flg          = $obj->removeMembers ("two","three");
    $flg          = $obj->isMember      ("two");
    $flg          = $obj->isMember      ("one");
 my @members      = $obj->members;
 my @curselection = $obj->initmark;
 my @listmark     = $obj->mark;

Class Variables


Instance Variables

 toc         Pointer to the member hash.
 mark        Array containing the current 'address mark'.
 first       Array containing the 'address mark' of the first member
             as of the last key sort.
 cnt         Number of elements in the member hash.

Class Methods

$obj = Document::Members->new

Create a blank members object and return true.

Instance Methods

$flg = $obj->addMembers (@members)

Add a new member name to the hash, with an undef value. Members is a list of member names and may be empty. True if it succeeds.

Override if you have to use the value. Sets lazy eval bit.

@curselection = $obj->initmark

Copy the contents of the first selection (a list) to the current selection (also a list). It is done this way so that subclasses may have arbitrarily long selection marks; the length can even vary from one selection to the next. (eg, [page, title, (category list)] in a Toc subclass)

$flg = $obj->isMember ($member)

True if $member exists.

@listmark = $obj->mark

Return the current selection mark array. The list mark contains only one element in this class, but this could be extended in child classes.

@members = $obj->members

Return a list of the members in the hash. List may be empty.

$flg = $obj->removeMembers (@members)

Remove a member name from the hash. Returns true if the operation succeeds.

Private Class Methods


Private Instance Methods

$membername = $obj->_1stmember

Returns the first element of the current sorted key list or undef if there the list is empty.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data.. It is used by child methods which also do the argument checking. It assumes you know what you are doing.

$cnt = $obj->_cntmembers

Returns a current count of the number of keys that are in the members hash.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data.. It is used by child methods which also do the argument checking. It assumes you know what you are doing.


Set the lazy evaluation bit so we'll do things l8r. Mananna.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data. It assumes you know what you are doing. You probably can't do much damage with this one other than to cause the lazy evaluation to happen more often than it should.

$dideval = $obj->_lazy

SUBCLASS MAY CHAIN. If the lazy evaluation bit is set, do evaluations and then clear it. Returns true if subclass should carry out it's own lazy evaluation.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data. It assumes you know what you are doing because if you screw up the lazy evaluation you could create some really subtle bugs.

$exists = $obj->_havemember ($membername)

It returns true if the specified member exists in the top level set.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data.. It is used by child methods which also do the argument checking. It assumes you know what you are doing.

$obj->_initmember ($membername)

Set the value of the specified set member to undef.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data.. It is used by child methods which also do the argument checking. It assumes you know what you are doing.

$obj->_killmember ($membername)

Remove the member from the set if it exists.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data.. It is used by child methods which also do the argument checking. It assumes you know what you are doing.

@keys = $obj->_listmembers

Returns a current sorted list of keys that are in the members hash.

This is an internal primitive operation on the members data.. It is used by child methods which also do the argument checking. It assumes you know what you are doing.

$membername = $obj->_selmember ($membername)

If $membername exists in the set, return it as is. If it does not exist, return undef instead. This routine does argument checking, but is primarily here for the convenience of subclasses.


 See TODO.




Dale Amon <>

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 206:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 208:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 239:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4

Around line 322:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4