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Dist::Zilla::Stash::Store::Git - A common place to store and interface with git


This document describes version 0.000005 of Dist::Zilla::Stash::Store::Git - released May 14, 2014 as part of Dist-Zilla-Stash-Store-Git.



This is a Dist::Zilla Store providing a common place to store, fetch and share configuration information as to your distribution's git repository, as well as your own preferences (e.g. git tag versioning scheme).



This attribute contains all the configuration information provided to the store by the plugins performing the Dist::Zilla::Role::GitStore::ConfigProvider. Any values specified herein override those in the "default_config", and anything set by the store configuration (aka "store_config") similarly overrides anything here.


This attribute contains all the information passed to the store via the store's configuration, e.g. in the distribution's dist.ini. Any values specified herein override those in the "default_config", and anything returned by a plugin (aka "dynamic_config") similarly overrides anything here.

This is a read-only accessor to the "store_config" attribute.


This attribute contains a HashRef of all the known configuration values, from all sources (default, stash and plugins aka dynamic). It merges the "dynamic_config" into "store_config", and that result into "default_config", each time giving the hash being merged precedence.

If you're looking for "The Right Place to Find Configuration Values", this is it. :)


Contains a lazily-constructed Git::Wrapper instance for our repository.


Contains a lazily-constructed Git::Raw::Repository instance for our repository.


Stores the repository root; by default this is the current directory.


An ArrayRef of all existing tags in the repository.


A sorted ArrayRef of all previous versions of this distribution, as derived from the repository tags filtered through the regular expression given in the version.regexp.



This method wraps "stash_from_config" in Dist::Zilla::Role::Stash to capture our Dist::Zilla instance and funnel all our stash configuration options into the "store_config" attribute.


This method provides a HashRef of all the default settings we know about. At the moment, this is:

version.regexp => '^v(.+)$'
version.first  => '0.001'

You should never need to mess with this -- note that "store_config" (values passed to the store via configuration) and "dynamic_config" (values returned by the plugins performing the Dist::Zilla::Role::GitStore::ConfigProvider), respectively, override this.


This is a read-only accessor to the "dynamic_config" attribute.


True if we have been provided any configuration by plugins.

This is a read-only accessor to the "dynamic_config" attribute.


True if plugin configuration has been provided for a given key, e.g.

do { ... } if $store->has_dynamic_config_for('version.first');

This is a read-only accessor to the "dynamic_config" attribute.


A read-only accessor to the store_config attribute.

This is a read-only accessor to the "store_config" attribute.


True if we have been provided any static configuration.

This is a read-only accessor to the "store_config" attribute.


True if static configuration has been provided for a given key, e.g.

do { ... } if $store->has_store_config_for('version.first');

This is a read-only accessor to the "store_config" attribute.


A read-only accessor returning the config HashRef.

This is a read-only accessor to the "config" attribute.


True if we have any configuration stored; false if not.

This is a read-only accessor to the "config" attribute.


The inverse of "has_config".

This is a read-only accessor to the "config" attribute.


Returns true if we have configuration information for a given key.

This is a read-only accessor to the "config" attribute.


Returns the value we have for a given key; returns undef if we have no configuration information for that key.

This is a read-only accessor to the "config" attribute.


This is a read-only accessor to the "repo_wrapper" attribute.


This is a read-only accessor to the "repo_raw" attribute.


Returns the path to the repository root; this may be a relative path.

This is a read-only accessor to the "repo_root" attribute.


A read-only accessor to the "tags" attribute.


A read-only accessor to the "previous_versions" attribute.


True if this distribution has any previous versions; that is, if any git tags match the version regular expression.

This is a read-only accessor to the "previous_versions" attribute.


Returns the earliest version known; undef if no such version exists.

This is a read-only accessor to the "previous_versions" attribute.


Returns the latest version known; undef if no such version exists.

This is a read-only accessor to the "previous_versions" attribute.


This is VERY EARLY CODE UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT! It's being used by this author's plugin bundle, and as such is being released as a non-TRIAL / non-development (e.g. x.xxx_01) release to make that easier. The interface is likely to change. Stability (as it is) should be expected when this section is removed and the version = 0.001 (aka 0.001000).

Contributions, issues and the like are welcome and encouraged.


Please see those modules/websites for more information related to this module.


The development version is on github at http:// and may be cloned from git://


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Chris Weyl <>

I'm a material boy in a material world

Please note I do not expect to be gittip'ed or flattr'ed for this work, rather it is simply a very pleasant surprise. I largely create and release works like this because I need them or I find it enjoyable; however, don't let that stop you if you feel like it ;)

Flattr this, gittip me, or indulge my Amazon Wishlist... If you so desire.


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Chris Weyl.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999