Digest::BLAKE2x - Perl XS interface to the BLAKE2x algorithm
use Digest::BLAKE2x qw(blake2x blake2x_hex blake2x_base64 blake2x_base64url blake2x_ascii85);
# blake2b
print blake2x('Japan Break Industries');
print blake2x_hex('Japan Break Industries');
print blake2x_base64('Japan Break Industries');
print blake2x_base64url('Japan Break Industries');
print blake2x_ascii85('Japan Break Industries');
# object interface provided by Digest::base
my $b = Digest::BLAKE2x->new;
$b->add('Japan Break Industries');
print $b->digest;
print $b->b64digest;
The Digest::BLAKE2x
module provides an interface to the BLAKE2x message digest algorithm.
The cryptographic hash function BLAKE2 is an improved version of the SHA-3 finalist BLAKE. Like BLAKE or SHA-3, BLAKE2 offers the highest security, yet is fast as MD5 on 64-bit platforms and requires at least 33% less RAM than SHA-2 or SHA-3 on low-end systems.
BLAKE2 comes in two flavors. BLAKE2b is optimized for 64-bit platforms—including NEON-enabled ARMs—and produces digests of any size between 1 and 64 bytes. BLAKE2s is optimized for 8- to 32-bit platforms and produces digests of any size between 1 and 32 bytes.
This interface follows the conventions set forth by the Digest
None of these functions are exported by default.
blake2x($data, ...)
Logically joins the arguments into a single string, and returns its BLAKE2x digest encoded as a binary string.
blake2x_hex($data, ...)
Logically joins the arguments into a single string, and returns its BLAKE2x digest encoded as a hexadecimal string.
blake2x_base64($data, ...)
Logically joins the arguments into a single string, and returns its BLAKE2x digest encoded as a Base64 string, without any trailing padding.
blake2x_base64url($data, ...)
Logically joins the arguments into a single string, and returns its BLAKE2x digest encoded as a urlsafe Base64 string, without any trailing padding.
blake2x_ascii85($data, ...)
Logically joins the arguments into a single string, and returns its BLAKE2x digest encoded as a Ascii85 string, without any trailing padding.
Tasuku SUENAGA a.k.a. gunyarakun <tasuku-s-cpan ATAT>
Copyright (C) Tasuku SUENAGA a.k.a. gunyarakun
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 49:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'platforms—including'. Assuming UTF-8