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  Data::Tools provides set of basic functions for data manipulation.


  use Data::Tools qw( :all );  # import all functions
  use Data::Tools;             # the same as :all :) 
  use Data::Tools qw( :none ); # do not import anything, use full package names

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  data_tools_set_file_io_encoding( 'UTF-8' ); # all file IO will use UTF-8
  data_tools_set_file_io_encoding( ':RAW' );  # all file IO will use binary data

  my $res  = file_save( $file_name, 'file content here' );
  my $data = file_load( $file_name );

  my $data_arrayref = file_load_ar( $file_name );
  # for specific charset encoding and because of backward compatibility:

  my $res  = file_save( { FILE_NAME => $file_name, ENCODING => 'UTF-8' }, 'data' );
  my $data = file_load( { FILE_NAME => $file_name, ENCODING => 'UTF-8' } );

  my $data_arrayref = file_load_ar( { FILE_NAME => $fname, ENCODING => 'UTF-8' } );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  my $file_modification_time_in_seconds = file_mtime( $file_name );
  my $file_change_time_in_seconds       = file_ctime( $file_name );
  my $file_last_access_time_in_seconds  = file_atime( $file_name );
  my $file_size                         = file_size(  $file_name );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  my $res  = dir_path_make( '/path/to/somewhere' ); # create full path with 0700
  my $res  = dir_path_make( '/new/path', MASK => 0755 ); # ...with mask 0755
  my $path = dir_path_ensure( '/path/s/t/h' ); # ensure path exists, check+make

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  my $path_with_trailing_slash = file_path( $full_path_or_file_name );

  # file_name() and file_name_ext() return full name with leadeing 
  # dot for dot-files ( .filename )
  my $file_name_including_ext  = file_name_ext( $full_path_or_file_name );
  my $file_name_only_no_ext    = file_name( $full_path_or_file_name );

  # file_ext() returns undef for dot-files ( .filename )
  my $file_ext_only            = file_ext( $full_path_or_file_name );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # uses simple backslash escaping of \n, = and \ itself
  my $data_str = hash2str( $hash_ref ); # convert hash to string "key=value\n"
  my $hash_ref = str2hash( $hash_str ); # convert str "key-value\n" to hash

  # same as hash2str() but uses keys in certain order
  my $data_str = hash2str_keys( \%hash, sort keys %hash );
  my $data_str = hash2str_keys( \%hash, sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash );

  # same as hash2str() and str2hash() but uses URL-style escaping
  my $data_str = hash2str_url( $hash_ref ); # convert hash to string "key=value\n"
  my $hash_ref = str2hash_url( $hash_str ); # convert str "key-value\n" to hash
  my $hash_ref = url2hash( 'key1=val1&key2=val2&testing=tralala);
  # $hash_ref will be { key1 => 'val1', key2 => 'val2', testing => 'tralala' }

  my $hash_ref_with_upper_case_keys = hash_uc( $hash_ref_with_lower_case_keys );
  my $hash_ref_with_lower_case_keys = hash_lc( $hash_ref_with_upper_case_keys );

  hash_uc_ipl( $hash_ref_to_be_converted_to_upper_case_keys );
  hash_lc_ipl( $hash_ref_to_be_converted_to_lower_case_keys );
  # save/load hash in str_url_escaped form to/from a file
  my $res      = hash_save( $file_name, $hash_ref );
  my $hash_ref = hash_load( $file_name );

  # save hash with certain keys order, uses hash2str_keys()
  my $res      = hash_save( $file_name, \%hash, sort keys %hash );
  # same as hash_save() and hash_load() but uses hash2str_url() and str2hash_url()
  my $res      = hash_save_url( $file_name, $hash_ref );
  my $hash_ref = hash_load_url( $file_name );

  # validate (nested) hash by example
  # validation example nested hash
  my $validate_hr = {
                    A => 'INT',
                    B => 'INT(-5,10)',
                    C => 'REAL',
                    D => {
                         E => 'RE:\d+[a-f]*',  # regexp match
                         F => 'REI:\d+[a-f]*', # case insensitive regexp match
                    DIR1  => '-d',   # must be existing directory
                    DIR2  => 'dir',  # must be existing directory
                    FILE1 => '-f',   # must be existing file  
                    FILE2 => 'file', # must be existing file  
  # actual nested hash to be verified if looks like the example
  my $data_hr     = {
                    A => '123',
                    B =>  '-1',
                    C =>  '1 234 567.89',
                    D => {
                         E => '123abc',
                         F => '456FFF',
  my @invalid_keys = hash_validate( $data_hr, $validate_hr );
  print "YES!" if hash_validate( $data_hr, $validate_hr );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  my $escaped   = str_url_escape( $plain_str ); # URL-style %XX escaping
  my $plain_str = str_url_unescape( $escaped );

  my $escaped   = str_html_escape( $plain_str ); # HTML-style &name; escaping
  my $plain_str = str_html_unescape( $escaped );
  my $hex_str   = str_hex( $plain_str ); # HEX-style XX string escaping
  my $plain_str = str_unhex( $hex_str );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # converts perl package names to file names, f.e: returns "Data/"
  my $perl_pkg_fn = perl_package_to_file( 'Data::Tools' );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # calculating hex digests
  my $whirlpool_hex = wp_hex( $data );
  my $sha1_hex      = sha1_hex( $data );
  my $md5_hex       = md5_hex( $data );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  my $formatted_str = str_num_comma( 1234567.89 );   # returns "1'234'567.89"
  my $formatted_str = str_num_comma( 4325678, '_' ); # returns "4_325_678"
  my $padded_str    = str_pad( 'right', -12, '*' ); # returns "right*******"
  my $str_c         = str_countable( $dc, 'day', 'days' );
                      # returns 'days' for $dc == 0
                      # returns 'day'  for $dc == 1
                      # returns 'days' for $dc >  1

  my $num = str_kmg_to_num(   '1K' ); # returns 1024   
  my $num = str_kmg_to_num( '2.5M' ); # returns 2621440
  my $num = str_kmg_to_num(   '1T' ); # returns 1099511627776

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # find all *.txt files in all subdirectories starting from /usr/local
  # returned files are with full path names
  my @files = glob_tree( '/usr/local/*.txt' );

  # read directory entries names (without full paths)
  my @files_and_dirs = read_dir_entries( '/tmp/secret/dir' );

  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  my $int   = bcd2int( $bcd_bytes ); # convert BCD byte data to integer
  my $bytes = int2bcd( $int );       # convert integer to BCD bytes
  my $str   = bcd2str( $bcd_bytes ); # convert BCD byte data to string


hash_validate( $data_hr, $validate_hr );

Return value can be either scalar or array context. In scalar context return value is true (1) or false (0). In array context it returns list of the invalid keys (possibly key paths like 'KEY1/KEY2/KEY3'):

  # array context
  my @invalid_keys = hash_validate( $data_hr, $validate_hr );
  # scalar context
  print "YES!" if hash_validate( $data_hr, $validate_hr );


  (more docs)


Data::Tools package includes several sub-modules:

  * Data::Tools::Socket (socket I/O processing, TODO: docs)
  * Data::Tools::Time   (time processing)


Data::Tools is designed to be simple, compact and self sufficient. However it uses some 3rd party modules:

  * Digest::Whirlpool
  * Digest::MD5
  * Digest::SHA1


For more complex cases of nested hash validation, check Data::Validate::Struct module by Thomas Linden, cheers :)

  git clone git://


  Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski "Cade"
        <> <> <>