DSL::HTML::STL - Standard Template Library for DSL::HTML.
Templates. See DSL::HTML.
This library is still under development, currently it is minimal at best.
use DSL::HTML;
use DSL::HTML::STL qw/ul .../;
# Create a short HTML doc
my $html = build_template ul => qw(foo bar baz);
# Define a template that uses the ul template
template mydoc {
my @items = @_;
tag h1 { "the list:" }
include ul => @items;
# Create an HTML doc using the 'mydoc' template
my $html = build_template mydoc => qw(foo bar baz);
All of these create lists of the specified type. All can take 4 types of arguments, the first of any given type is the only one used, the rest are ignored.
If a scalar is provided, it is treated as the class attribute.
If an arrayref is provided it is treated as the items to be listed (or to be used in the <dt> of the <dl>).
If a hashref is provided it is used to find the values for the <dd> in the <dl>. If no arrayref is provided then the keys of the hashref will be used as the list items. In 'ul' and 'dl' the values of the hash are ignored.
If a coderef is provided it is used via sort()
to sort the list items by name.
- ul
include ul => [qw/a b c d/];
- ol
include ol => [qw/a b c d/];
- dl
All arguments are optional, but without a hashref you have no <dd> values. If you have no hashref and no arrayref then you get an empty list.
include dl => ( # Our <dd> values { foo => 'a foo', bar => 'a bar', ... }, # Our <dt> values (other keys in the hashref are ignored) [ 'foo', 'bar' ], # our 'class' attribute 'my_class other_class ...' # How to sort the values sub($$) { $_[0] cmp $_[1] }, );
Chad Granum
Copyright (C) 2013 Chad Granum
DSL-HTML is free software; Standard perl license (GPL and Artistic).
DSL-HTML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.