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DBIx::Class::Result::Validation - DBIx::Class component to manage validation on result object


Version 0.17


DBIx::Class::Result::Validation component call validate function before insert or update object and unauthorized these actions if validation set result_errors accessor.

In your result class load_component :


    use strict;
    use warning;

    __PACKAGE__->load_component(qw/ ... Result::Validation /);

defined your _validate function which will be called by validate function

    sub _validate
      my $self = shift;
      #validate if this object exist whith the same label
      my @other = $self->result_source->resultset->search({ label => $self->label
                                                            id => {"!=", $self->id}});
      if (scalar @other)
        $self->add_result_error('label', 'label must be unique');


When you try to create or update an object Package::Schema::Result::MyClass, if an other one with the same label exist, this one will be not created, validate return 0 and $self->result_errors will be set.

$self->result_errors return :

    { label => ['label must be unique'] }

Otherwise, object is create, validate return 1 and $self->result_errors is undef.

It is possible to set more than one key error and more than one error by key

    $self->add_result_error('label', 'label must be unique');
    $self->add_result_error('label', "label must not be `$self->label'");
    $self->add_result_error('id', 'id is ok but not label');

$self->result_errors return :

      label => [
              'label must be unique',
              "label must not be `my label'"
      id => [
           'id is ok but not label'

Reserved Accessor

DBIx::Class::Result::Validation component create a new accessor to Result object.


This field is used to store all errors



This validate function is called before insert or update action. If result_errors is not defined it return true

You can redefined it in your Result object and call back it with :

    return $self->next::method(@_);


function to configure on object to find what is wrong after a Database throw


_validate function is the function to redefine with validation behaviour object


    $self->add_result_error($key, $error_string)

Add a string error attributed to a key (field of object)


call before DBIx::Calss::Base insert

Insert is done only if validate method return true


Call before DBIx::Class::Base update

Update is done only if validate method return true


this function is called to re-init result_errors before call validate function


set of function to validate fields

validate_enum function

validation of the enum field, should return a validation error if the field is set and is not in the list of enum


validation of field which must be ascii characters, return error if the field is not ascii


validation of field which must be defined, return error if the field is not defined


validation of a field which can be null but can't be empty


validation of a field which can be null and not equal to 0 this can be used for data_type integer


The value of the field can not be updated




Nicolas Oudard <>



You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.