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DBICx::Sugar - Just some syntax sugar for DBIx::Class


version 0.0200


use DBICx::Sugar qw(schema resultset rset);

# all of the following are equivalent:

$user = schema('default')->resultset('User')->find('bob');
$user = schema->resultset('User')->find('bob');
$user = resultset('User')->find('bob');
$user = rset('User')->find('bob');


Just some syntax sugar for your DBIx::Class applications. This was originally created to remove code duplication between Dancer::Plugin::DBIC and Dancer2::Plugin::DBIC.


Configuration can be automatically parsed from a `config.yaml` or `config.yml` file in the current working directory, or it can be explicitly set with the config function:

DBICx::Sugar::config({ default => { dsn => ... } });

If you want the config to be autoloaded from a yaml config file, just make sure to put your config data under a top level dbicx_sugar key.

simple example

Here is a simple example. It defines one database named default:

    dsn: dbi:SQLite:dbname=myapp.db
    schema_class: MyApp::Schema

multiple schemas

In this example, there are 2 databases configured named default and foo:

    dsn: dbi:SQLite:dbname=myapp.db
    schema_class: MyApp::Schema
    dsn: dbi:Pg:dbname=foo
    schema_class: Foo::Schema
    user: bob
    password: secret
      RaiseError: 1
      PrintError: 1

Each database configured must at least have a dsn option. The dsn option should be the DBI driver connection string. All other options are optional.

If you only have one schema configured, or one of them is named default, you can call schema without an argument to get the only or default schema, respectively.

If a schema_class option is not provided, then DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader will be used to dynamically load the schema by introspecting the database corresponding to the dsn value. You need DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader installed for this to work.

WARNING: Dynamic loading is not recommended for production environments. It is almost always better to provide a schema_class option.

The schema_class option should be the name of your DBIx::Class::Schema class. See "SCHEMA GENERATION" Optionally, a database configuration may have user, password, and options parameters as described in the documentation for connect() in DBI.


Alternatively, you may also declare your connection information inside an array named connect_info:

    schema_class: MyApp::Schema
      - dbi:Pg:dbname=foo
      - bob
      - secret
        RaiseError: 1
        PrintError: 1


You can also add database read slaves to your configuration with the replicated config option. This will automatically make your read queries go to a slave and your write queries go to the master. Keep in mind that this will require additional dependencies: DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies#Storage::Replicated See DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated for more details. Here is an example configuration that adds two read slaves:

    schema_class: MyApp::Schema
    dsn: dbi:Pg:dbname=master
      balancer_type: ::Random     # optional
      balancer_args:              # optional
          auto_validate_every: 5  # optional
          master_read_weight:1    # optional
      # pool_type and pool_args are also allowed and are also optional
          - dbi:Pg:dbname=slave1
          - user1
          - password1
            quote_names: 1
            pg_enable_utf8: 1
          - dbi:Pg:dbname=slave2
          - user2
          - password2
            quote_names: 1
            pg_enable_utf8: 1


Schema aliases allow you to reference the same underlying database by multiple names. For example:

    dsn: dbi:Pg:dbname=master
    schema_class: MyApp::Schema
    alias: default

Now you can access the default schema with schema(), schema('default'), or schema('slave1'). This can come in handy if, for example, you have master/slave replication in your production environment but only a single database in your development environment. You can continue to reference schema('slave1') in your code in both environments by simply creating a schema alias in your development.yml config file, as shown above.



my $user = schema->resultset('User')->find('bob');

Returns a DBIx::Class::Schema object ready for you to use. For performance, schema objects are cached in memory and are lazy loaded the first time they are accessed. If you have configured only one database, then you can simply call schema with no arguments. If you have configured multiple databases, you can still call schema with no arguments if there is a database named default in the configuration. With no argument, the default schema is returned. Otherwise, you must provide schema() with the name of the database:

my $user = schema('foo')->resultset('User')->find('bob');


This is a convenience method that will save you some typing. Use this only when accessing the default schema.

my $user = resultset('User')->find('bob');

is equivalent to:

my $user = schema->resultset('User')->find('bob');


my $user = rset('User')->find('bob');

This is simply an alias for resultset.


Returns the current configuration, like config does, but does not look for a config file.

Use this for introspection, eg:

my $dbix_sugar_is_configured = get_config ? 1 : 0 ;


This function does not touch the existing config. It can be used if some other part of your app has configured DBICx::Sugar but did not know about the part that uses an extra schema.

add_schema_to_config('schema_name', { dsn => ... });


Setting the schema_class option and having proper DBIx::Class classes is the recommended approach for performance and stability. You can use the dbicdump command line tool provided by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader to help you. For example, if your app were named Foo, then you could run the following from the root of your project directory:

dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib Foo::Schema dbi:SQLite:/path/to/foo.db

For this example, your schema_class setting would be 'Foo::Schema'.



Naveed Massjouni <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Naveed Massjouni.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.