DBICx::MapMaker - automatically create a DBIx::Class mapping table


version 0.03


A common SQL pattern is the "many to many" relationship; a row in the "left table" may point to many rows in the "right table", and a row in the "right table" may point to many rows in the "left table". This module automatically creates a DBIx::Class result source for that table, and sets up the six necessary relationships.

Here's how to use it. Imagine you have some tables called MySchema::A and MySchema::B, each with a primary key, that you'd like to join. To create the mapping table, you'll write a module like this:

package MySchema::MapAB;
use DBICx::MapMaker;
use base 'DBIx::Class';

my $map = DBICx::MapMaker->new(
    left_class  => 'MySchema::A',
    right_class => 'MySchema::B',
    left_name   => 'a',
    right_name  => 'b',


Then, you can:

my $a = $schema->resultset('A')->find(1);
$a->b_map; # the mapping table
$a->bs;    # a list of bs that this a has

my $b = $schema->resultset('B')->find(42);
$b->a_map; # the mapping table
$b->as;    # a list of as that this b has



Create a MapMaker. See "ATTRIBUTES" below for a description of the attributes you can pass to the constructor.


Makes $class into the mapping table. $class should be a subclass of DBIx::Class.


Here are the attributes that you can pass to the constructor:

left_class right_class

The class name of the left/right table (the tables that have a m2m relationship between them).


left_name right_name

The column name for the left/right table's primary key in the map table.


left_to_map_relation right_to_map_relation

The name of the relationship from the left/right table to the map table.

Optional. Defaults to the name of the opposite table's name with _map appended. (If right_name is foo, then left_to_map_relation will be foo_map.)

rights_from_left lefts_from_right

The name of the m2m relationship. rights_from_left is the method you'll call on a left row to get the corresponding rights. (lefts_from_right is the opposite.)

Optional. Defaults to the name of the row returned with "s" appended. If left_name is "foo", then lefts_from_right will be "foos" by default.


The name of the created mapping table.

Optional. Defaults to "map_left_name_right_name". (With foo and bar, map_foo_bar.)


Jonathan Rockway <>

Stevan Little <>

Adam Herzog <>


Copyright 2008 Infinity Interactive, Inc.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Jonathan Rockway <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Jonathan Rockway.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.