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Config::IOD::Document - Represent IOD document


This document describes version 0.353 of Config::IOD::Document (from Perl distribution Config-IOD), released on 2022-05-02.


Obtain a document object $doc from parsing an IOD document text using Config::IOD's read_file or read_string method. Or, to produce an empty document:

$doc = Config::IOD::Document->new;

Dump document as hash of hashes:

$hoh = $doc->dump;

Get a value:

$val = $doc->get_value('section', 'key');

Insert a section:


# no nothing (instead of die) if section already exists
$doc->insert_section({ignore=>1}, 'name');

# insert at the top of document instead of bottom
$doc->insert_section({top=>1}, 'name');

# insert at specific location (line number), add some comment
$doc->insert_section({linum=>12, comment=>"foo"}, 'name');

Insert a key:

$doc->insert_key('section', 'key', 'value');

# do nothing (instead of die) if key already exists
$doc->insert_key({ignore=>1}, 'section', 'key', 'value');

# add key anyway (creating multivalue key) if key already exists
$doc->insert_key({add=>1}, 'section', 'key', 'value');

# replace (delete all occurrences of previous key first) if key already exists
$doc->insert_key({replace=>1}, 'section', 'key', 'value');

# insert at the top of section, instead of at the bottom
$doc->insert_key({top=>1}, 'section', 'key', 'value');

# insert at specific location (line number)
$doc->insert_key({linum=>12}, 'section', 'name', 'value');

Delete a section (and all keys under it):


# delete all occurrences instead of just the first one
$doc->delete_section({all=>1}, 'name');

Delete a key:

$doc->delete_key('section', 'key');

# delete all occurrences instead of just the first one
$doc->delete_key({all=>1}, 'section', 'key');

Empty document:


Dump object as IOD document string:

print $doc->as_string;

# or just:
print $doc;



new(%attrs) => obj

$doc->as_string => str

Return document object rendered as string. Automatically used for stringification.

$doc->delete_key([\%opts, ]$section, $name) => $num_deleted

Delete key named $name in section named $section.


  • all => bool

    If set to 1, then will delete all occurrences. By default only delete the first occurrence.

  • cond => code

    Will only delete key if cond returns true. cond will be called with ($self, %args) where the hash will contain these keys: linum (int, line number), parsed (array, parsed line), key (string, key name), value (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED), raw_value (str, raw/undecoded value).

$doc->delete_section([\%opts, ]$section) => $num_deleted

Delete section named $section.


  • all => bool

    If set to 1, then will delete all occurrences. By default only delete the first occurrence.

  • cond => code

    Will only delete section if cond returns true. cond will be called with ($self, %args) where the hash will contain these keys: linum_start (int, starting line number), linum_end (int, ending line number).

$doc->dump([ \%opts ]) => hoh

Return a hoh (hash of section names and hashes, where each of the second-level hash is of keys and values), Values will be decoded and merging will be done, but includes are not processed (even though include directive is active).


  • linum_start => int

    Only dump beginning from this line number.

  • linum_end => int

    Only dump until this line number.

$doc->each_key([ \%opts , ] $code) => LIST

Execute $code for each key found in document, in order of occurrence. $code will be called with arguments ($self, %args) where %args will contain these keys: section (str, current section name), key (str, key name), value (any, value, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED/AVAILABLE), raw_value (str, raw/undecoded value), linum (int, line number, 1-based), parsed (array, parsed line).


  • linum_start => int

    Only dump beginning from this line number.

  • linum_end => int

    Only dump until this line number.

  • unique_section => bool

    If set to 1, will only list the first occurence of each section.

  • unique_key => bool

    If set to 1, will only list the first occurence of each key in the same section.

  • early_exit => bool

    If set to 1, then if coderef returns false will return early immediately and not continue to the next key.

$doc->each_section([ \%opts , ] $code) => LIST

Execute $code for each section found in document, in order of occurrence. $code will be called with arguments ($self, %args) where %args will contain these keys: section (str, section name), linum (int, line number, 1-based), linum_start (the same as linum), linum_end (int, line number of the last line of the section), parsed (array, parsed line).


  • unique => bool

    If set to 1, will only list the first occurence of each section.

  • early_exit => bool

    If set to 1, then if coderef returns false will return early immediately and not continue to the next section.


Empty document.

$doc->get_directive_before_key($section, $key) => array

Find directive right before a key. Directive must directly precede key line without any blank line, e.g.:

;!lint_prereqs assume-used "undetected, used via Riap"

If found, will return an arrayref containing directive name and arguments. Otherwise, will return undef.

$doc->get_value($section, $key) => $value

Get value. Values are decoded and section merging is respected, but includes are not processed.

Internally, will do a dump() and cache the result so subsequent get_value() will avoid re-parsing the whole document. (The cache will automatically be discarded is one of document-modifying methods like delete_section() is called.)

$doc->insert_key([\%opts, ]$section, $key, $value) => int

Insert a key named $name with value $value under $section. Return line number where the key is inserted, or undef if nothing is inserted (e.g. when ignore option is set to true). Die on failure.


  • create_section => bool

    If set to 1, will create section (at the end of document) if it doesn't exist.

  • add => bool

    If set to 1, will add another key if key with the same name already exists. Conflicts with ignore and <replace>.

  • ignore => bool

    If set to 1, will do nothing if key already exists. Conflicts with add and replace.

  • replace => bool

    If set to 1, will delete (all) previous keys first. Conflicts with add and ignore.

  • top => bool

    If set to 1, will insert at the top of section before other keys. By default will add at the end of section.

  • linum => posint

    Optional. Insert at this specific line number. Line number must fall within section. Ignores top.

$doc->insert_section([\%opts, ]$name) => int

Insert empty section named $name. Return line number where the section is inserted, or undef if nothing is inserted (e.g. when ignore option is set to true). Die on failure.


  • ignore => bool

    If set to 1, then if section already exists will do nothing instead of die.

  • top => bool

    If set to 1, will insert before any other section. By default will insert at the end of document. See also: linum.

  • comment => str

    Optional. Comment to add at the end of section line.

  • linum => posint

    Optional. Insert at this specific line number. Ignores top.

$doc->list_keys([ \%opts ], $section) => LIST

List keys in the section named <$section>.


  • unique => bool

    If set to 1, will only list the first occurrence of each key.

$doc->key_exists([ \%opts ], $section, $key) => bool

Check whether a key exists.


$doc->list_sections([ \%opts ]) => LIST

List sections in the document, in order of occurrence.


  • unique => bool

    If set to 1, will only list the first occurrence of each section.

$doc->section_exists([ \%opts ], $section) => bool

Check whether a section exists.


$doc->set_value([ \%opts ], $section, $key, $new_value)

Set value of a key.


  • all => bool


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at




perlancar <>


To contribute, you can send patches by email/via RT, or send pull requests on GitHub.

Most of the time, you don't need to build the distribution yourself. You can simply modify the code, then test via:

% prove -l

If you want to build the distribution (e.g. to try to install it locally on your system), you can install Dist::Zilla, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::PERLANCAR, and sometimes one or two other Dist::Zilla plugin and/or Pod::Weaver::Plugin. Any additional steps required beyond that are considered a bug and can be reported to me.


This software is copyright (c) 2022, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2011 by perlancar <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.