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Catalyst::View::HTML::Zoom - Catalyst view to HTML::Zoom


version 0.003


package MyApp::View::HTML;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::View::HTML::Zoom';

package MyApp::Controller::Wobble;
use Moose; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
sub dance : Local {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
    $c->stash( shaking => 'hips' );

package MyApp::View::HTML::Wobble;
use Moose;
sub dance {
    my ($self, $stash) = @_;

<p>Shake those <span id="shake" />!</p>

GET /wobble/dance => "<p>Shake those <span id="shake">hips</span>!</p>";


This is our first pass attempt at bringing HTML::Zoom to Catalyst. You should be familiar with HTML::Zoom before using this. Additionally, as this is an early attempt to envision how this will work we say:

"Danger, Will Robinson!"


The following is a list of configuration attributes you can set in your global Catalyst configuration or locally as in:

package MyApp::View::HTML;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::View::HTML::Zoom';

    content_type => 'text/plain',


Optionally set the filename extension of your zoomable templates. Common values might be html or xhtml. Should be a scalar.


Sets the default content-type of the response body. Should be a scalar.


Used at the prefix path for where yout templates are stored. Defaults to $c->config->{root}. Should be a scalar.


This class contains the following methods available for public use.


args: ($c)

Renders the template specified in $c->stash->{template} or $c->namespace/$c->action (the private name of the matched action). Stash contents are passed to the underlying view object.

Output is stored in $c->response->body and we set the value of $c->response->content_type to text/html; charset=utf-8 or whatever you configured as the "content_type" attribute unless this header has previously been set.


args: ($c, $template || \$template, ?\%args, ?$coderef)

Renders the given template and returns output.

If $template is a simple scalar, we assume this is a path part that combines with the value of "root" to discover a file that lives on your local filesystem.

However, if $template is a ref, we assume this is a scalar ref containing some html you wish to render directly.

If \%args is not defined we use the value of $c-stash>.

If $coderef is defined and is a subroutine reference, we use is the same way we use zoom_do.


This View uses the following stash keys as hints to the processor. Currently these keys are passed on in the stash to the underlying templates.


This overrides which template file is parsed by HTML::Zoom. If the value is a plain scalar then we assume it is a file off the template "root". If it is a scalar ref, we assume it is the actual body of the template we wish to parse.

If this value is not set, we infer a template via $c->action->private_path


This is the View class which is responsible for containing actions that converts a "template" into a rendered body suitable for returning to a user agent. By default we infer from the controller name such that if your controller is called MyApp::Web::Controller::Foo and your base View class is MyApp::Web::View::HTML, the zoom_class is called MyApp::Web::View::HTML::Foo.

If you override this default you can either give a full package name, such as MyApp::CommonStuff::View::Foo or a relative package name such as ::Foo, in which case we will automatically prefix the base View (like MyApp::Web::View::HTML) to create a full path (MyApp::Web::View::HTML::Foo).

zoom action

This refers to a method name in your "zoom_class" which does the actual work of processing a template into something we return as the body of an HTTP response.

package MyApp::View::HTML::Foo;

sub fill_name {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;


This is a subroutine reference which is optionally used to provide HTML::Zoom directives directly in a controller. Useful for simple templates and rapid prototyping.

sub example_zoom_do :Local {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;
        name => 'John',
        zoom_do => sub {
            my ($zoom, %args) = @_;

If this key is not defined, we assume you want to use a class as above.


This is the first version of a Catalyst view to HTML::Zoom - and we might have got it wrong. Please be aware that this is still in early stages, and the API is not at all stable. You have been warned (but encouraged to break it and submit bug reports and patches :).


Thanks to Thomas Doran for the initial starting point.


Oliver Charles <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Oliver Charles.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.