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Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Abilities - Ability based authorization for Catalyst/DBIx::Class apps, based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles


version v0.31.0


# In (notice we do not use Authorization::Roles):

use Catalyst qw/

__PACKAGE__->config->{abilities}->{super_user_id} = 1; # this is the default

# Anywhere in your code
sub delete : Local {
	my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

	# check if the user can perform a certain action,
	# such as delete_foo, throw error if not.

# Checking roles is also provided
sub display_user : Local {
	my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

	if ($c->check_user_roles(qw/admin editor/)) {
		print "User belongs to the admin and editor roles.";
	} else {
		print "User doesn't belong to both the admin and editor roles.";

# Checkout required database schemas under REQUIRED SCHEMA


Ability based access control is an extension of the role based access control available through Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles. In this plugin, however, every user has a list of actions he is allowed to perform, and every restricted part of the application makes an assertion about the necessary abilities.

Abilities to perform certain actions can be given to a user specifically, or via roles the user can assume. For example, if user 'user01' is member of role 'admin', and this user wishes to perform some action, for example 'delete_foo', than they will only be able to do so if the 'delete_foo' ability was given to either the user itself or the 'admin' role itself.

Roles can inherit actions from other roles. For example, role 'mega_mods' can inherit from roles 'mods' and 'editors'. Thus, users of the 'mega_mods' role will assume all actions owned by the 'mods' and 'editors' roles, plus those specifically given to 'mega_mods'. Inheritance is recursive, so if 'mods', for example, inherits from 'plain_users', then 'mega_mods' will also have anything the 'plain_users' role has (NOTE: recursive inheritance is new in v0.30.0).

With check_user_ability() and assert_user_ability(), these conditionals are checked to grant or deny the user access to the required actions.

This method of authorization allows for much more flexibility with regards to access control, such that roles and abilities can be added/edited/deleted using the application itself (via your own controllers!). This is useful for applications such as message boards, where the administrator might wish to create roles with certain actions and associate users with those roles. For example, the admin can create an 'editor' role, giving users of this role the ability to edit and delete posts, but not any other administrative action. So in essence, this plugin takes the control of who's able to do what from the developer and hands it to the end-user.

Note that this plugin is not to be used in conjunction with Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles, and that it requires several tables to be present in the database/schema (see "REQUIRED SCHEMA").



package MyApp::Schema::Result::Action;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
	{ data_type => "VARCHAR", is_nullable => 0, size => 128 },
	{ data_type => "TEXT", is_nullable => 1, size => undef },

MyApp::Schema::Result::Role (changed in v0.30.0)

package MyApp::Schema::Result::Role;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
	{ data_type => "VARCHAR", is_nullable => 0, size => 128 },
__PACKAGE__->has_many(map_role_actions => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::RoleAction', 'role_id');
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(actions => 'map_role_actions', 'action');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(map_role_roles => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::RoleRole', 'role_id');
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(roles => 'map_role_roles', 'role');


package MyApp::Schema::Result::UserRole;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("user_id", "role_id");
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('role' => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Role', 'role_id');

MyApp::Schema::Result::RoleRole (new since v0.2, changed in v0.30.0)

package MyApp::Schema::Result::RoleRole;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("role_id", "parent_id");
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('parent' => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Role', 'role_id');
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('role' => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Role', 'inherits_from_id');


package MyApp::Schema::Result::RoleAction;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("role_id", "action_id");
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('role' => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Role', 'role_id');
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('action' => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Action', 'action_id');


package MyApp::Schema::Result::UserAction;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("user_id", "action_id");
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to('action' => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::Action', 'action_id');


package MyApp::Schema::Result::User;


	{ data_type => "INTEGER", is_nullable => 0, size => undef },
__PACKAGE__->has_many(map_user_role => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::UserRole', 'user_id');
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(user_roles => 'map_user_role', 'role');
__PACKAGE__->has_many(map_user_action => 'MyApp::Schema::Result::UserAction', 'user_id');
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(actions => 'map_user_action', 'action');


assert_user_ability( [ $user ], @actions )

Checks that the user (as supplied by the first argument, or, if omitted, $c->user) has the ability to perform all specified actions. It's enough for one action not to be granted for this method to deny ability.

If the user has all actions, this method will return a true value. Users either get actions directory (UserAction in the schema), or via roles (UserRole), which can inherit other roles (RoleRole). Role inheritance is recursive (see "DESCRIPTION"" in " for more info).

If for any reason the check fails ($c->user is not defined, the user is missing an appropriate action, etc.), an error is thrown.

You can either catch these errors with an eval, or clean them up in your end action. See check_user_ability() for an alternative that simply returns false instead.

This method automatically grants ability, no matter which actions were passed, to the super-user. This is probably the user who installed MyApp and is setting it up, so that they can create roles and assign actions (otherwise the installing user might have never been able to do anything). The super-user is identified by supplying a user ID to MyApp's config (see SYNOPSIS). This setting defaults to user ID 1.

check_user_ability( [ $user ], @actions )

Same as assert_user_ability, but instead of throwing errors returns a boolean value.

check_user_roles( [ $user ], @roles )

Checks that the user (as supplied by the first argument, or, if omitted, $c->user) belongs to the specified roles. Returns a true value only if user belongs to all roles specified, and false otherwise.

Note that inherited roles are taken into account. For example, if user directly belongs to role 'x', which inherits from role 'y', which inherits from role 'z', then this method will return true for role 'z'.


The following methods are only to be used internally.

_user_has_action( $user, $action )

_role_has_action( $role, $action )

_user_takes_role( $user, $role )

_role_takes_role( $role, $role_taken )


Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles


Ido Perlmuter, <ido at>


Based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles by Yuval Kogman.

Thanks to Dabg for writing a test suite.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-catalyst-plugin-authorization-abilities at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Abilities

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2009-2011 Ido Perlmuter.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.