CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin - Management of HTTP server group databases
use CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin ();
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! Move along, nothing to see here!
This module was originally part of the HTTPD-User-Manage collection, which is available on CPAN. If you want to use it, go download that package. This module is used as part of the internal implementation of CGI::Builder::Auth. The original documentation is preserved here in this release for historical purposes. The software has been hacked and this documentation is not guaranteed to be correct. The module may disappear from the CGI::Builder::Auth distribution in a future release. Do not use it directly or rely on it.
This software is meant to provide a generic interface that hides the inconsistencies across HTTP server implementations of user and group databases.
- new ()
Here's where we find out what's different about your server.
Some examples:
@DBM = (DBType => 'DBM', DB => '.htgroup', Server => 'apache'); $group = new CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin @DBM;
This creates an object whose database is a DBM file named '.htgroup', in a format that the Apache server understands.
@Text = (DBType => 'Text', DB => '.htgroup', Server => 'ncsa'); $group = new CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin @Text;
This creates an object whose database is a plain text file named '.htgroup', in a format that the NCSA server understands.
Full list of constructor attributes:
Note: Attribute names are case-insensitive
Name - Group name
DBType - The type of database, one of 'DBM', 'Text', or 'SQL' (Default is 'DBM')
DB - The database name (Default is '.htpasswd' for DBM & Text databases)
Server - HTTP server name (Default is the generic class, that works with NCSA, Apache and possibly others)
Note: run 'perl t/support.t matrix' to see what support is currently availible
Path - Relative DB files are resolved to this value (Default is '.')
Locking - Boolean, Lock Text and DBM files (Default is true)
Debug - Boolean, Turn on debug mode
Specific to DBM files:
DBMF - The DBM file implementation to use (Default is 'NDBM')
Flags - The read, write and create flags. There are four modes: rwc - the default, open for reading, writing and creating. rw - open for reading and writing. r - open for reading only. w - open for writing only.
Mode - The file creation mode, defaults to '0644'
Specific to DBI: We talk to an SQL server via Tim Bunce's DBI interface. For more info see:
Host - Server hostname
Port - Server port
User - Database login name
Auth - Database login password
Driver - Driver for DBI (Default is 'mSQL')
GroupTable - Table with field names below
NameField - Field for the name (Default is 'user')
GroupField - Field for the group (Default is 'group')
From here on out, things should look the same for everyone.
- add($username[,$groupname])
Add user $username to group $groupname, or whatever the 'Name' attribute is set to.
Fails if $username exists in the database
if($group->add('dougm', 'www-group')) { print "Welcome!\n"; }
- delete($username[,$groupname])
Delete user $username from group $groupname, or whatever the 'Name' attribute is set to.
if($group->delete('dougm')) { print "He's gone from the group\n"; }
- exists($groupname, [$username])
True if $groupname is found in the database
if($group->exists('web-heads')) { die "oh no!"; } if($group->exists($groupname, $username) { #$username is a member of $groupname }
- list([$groupname])
Returns a list of group names, or users in a group if '$name' is present.
@groups = $group->list;
@users = $group->list('web-heads');
- user()
Short cut for creating an CGI::Builder::Auth::UserAdmin object. All applicable attributes are inherited, but can be overridden.
$user = $group->user();
(See CGI::Builder::Auth::UserAdmin)
- convert(@Attributes)
Convert a database.
#not yet
- remove($groupname)
Remove group $groupname from the database
- name($groupname)
Change the value of 'Name' attribute.
- debug($boolean)
Turn debugging on or off
- lock([$timeout]) =item unlock()
These methods give you control of the locking mechanism.
$group = new CGI::Builder::Auth::GroupAdmin (Locking => 0); #turn off auto-locking $group->lock; #lock the object's database $group->add($username,$passwd); #write while database is locked $group->unlock; release the lock
- db($dbname);
Select a different database.
$olddb = $group->db($newdb); print "Now we're reading and writing '$newdb', done with '$olddb'n\";
- flags([$flags])
Get or set read, write, create flags.
- commit
Commit changes to disk (for Text files).
Doug MacEachern <>
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Doug MacEachern
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.