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CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIC::Schema - Easy DBIx::Class access from CGI::Application, inspired by CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH.


    use CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIC::Schema (qw/dbic_config schema resultset rs/);

    sub cgiapp_init{

            my $c = shift;

            my $dsn = $c->param('dsn');
            my $dbpw = $c->param('dbpw');
            my $dbuser = $c->param('dbuser');

            # Provide a default config.

            $c->dbic_config({schema=>"My::DB",                  # DBIC class
                             connect_info=>[$dsn,$dbuser,$dbpw] # use same args as DBI connect


    sub setup {

            my $c = shift;

            $c->run_modes([qw/runmode1 runmode2/]);

    sub runmode1 {

            my $c = shift;

            my $id = $c->param('id);
            # do something with the object ...

            return "found it.";

    sub runmode2 {

            my $c = shift;
                ->create({name=>"John Doe", address=>"Any Street"});

            return "created it";


CGI::Application::Plugin::DBIC::Schema adds easy access to a DBIx::Class::Schema to your Titanium or CGI::Application modules. Lazy loading is used to prevent a database connection from being made if the schema method is not called during the request. In other words, the database connection is not created until it is actually needed.

DBIx::Class has lots of dependencies, and therefore a certain length of compile time, but it works fine in a CGI environment for low volume sites. If you expect a high volume of traffic, think about FastCGI or other alternatives.



This method will return the default DBIx::Class::Schema instance if no name is provided. Provide a schema name to retrieve an alternate schema. The schema instance is created on the first call to this method, and any subsequent calls will return the same instance.

  my $schema = $c->schema();                 # gets default (unnamed) schema
  # Or ...
  my $schem = $c->schema('my_schema_name');  # gets one of named schemas

dbic_config($name?, \%connect_info)

Used to provide your DBIx::Class::Schema class name, an optional config name, and DBI connection parameters. For \%config_info supply the same parameter list that you would for DBI::connect. You may also supply DBIx::Class specifig attributes. For that see DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI for details.

The recommended place to call dbic_config is in the cgiapp_init stage of CGI::Application. If this method is called after the dbic() method has already been accessed, then it will die with an error message.

        # Setup  default schema config
        $c->dbic_config({schema=>"My::DB",                  # DBIC class
                         connect_info=>[$dsn,$dbuser,$dbpw] # use same args as DBI connect

        # Or, provide additional configs by name.



An alias to $c->schema(...)->resultset(...).

This method provides DBIx::Class::Resultset access.

   # Use the default dbic schema via 'resultset'. 


   # Or use a named config to access resultset via an alternative schema.

   $c->resultset('another_config', "DBICT::Result::Test")->find($id);

   # Or use alias short form, 'rs' with default config


   # Or use alias short form with alternate config/schema

   $c->rs('yet_another_schema', "DBICT::Result::Test")->find($id);


An alias to resultset


DBIx::Class, Titanium, CGI::Application,CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH


Gordon Van Amburg <>


Copyright (C) 2009 Gordon Van Amburg <>

This library is free software. You can modify and or distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.