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CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate - Use any templating system from within CGI::Application using a unified interface


Version 0.18


In your CGI::Application-based webapp:

use base 'CGI::Application';
use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate;

sub cgiapp_init {
    my $self = shift;

    # Set template options
        default_type => 'TemplateToolkit',

Later on, in a runmode:

sub my_runmode {
    my $self = shift;

    my %template_params = (
        name     => 'Winston Churchill',
        age      => 7,

    $self->template->fill('some_template', \%template_params);



CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate allows you to use any supported Perl templating system using a single consistent interface.

Currently supported templating systems include HTML::Template, HTML::Template::Expr, HTML::Template::Pluggable, Template::Toolkit and Petal.

You can access any of these templating systems using the same interface. In this way, you can use the same code and switch templating systems on the fly.

This approach has many uses. For instance, it can be useful in migrating your application from one templating system to another.

Embedded Components

In addition to template abstraction, AnyTemplate also provides a embedded component mechanism. For instance, you might include a header component at the top of every page and a footer component at the bottom of every page.

These components are actually full CGI::Application run modes, and can do anything normal run mode can do, including processing form parameters and filling in their own templates. See below under "EMBEDDED COMPONENTS" for details.

Multiple Named Template Configurations

You can set up multiple named template configurations and select between them at run time.

sub cgiapp_init {
    my $self = shift;

    # Can't use Template::Toolkit any more -
    # The boss wants everything has to be XML,
    # so we switch to Petal

    # Set old-style template options (legacy scripts)
        default_type => 'TemplateToolkit',
        TemplateToolkit => {
            POST_CHOMP => 1,
    # Set new-style template options as default
        default_type => 'Petal',
        auto_add_template_extension => 0,

sub old_style_runmode {
    my $self = shift;

    # ...

    # use TemplateToolkit to fill template edit_user.tmpl
    $self->template('oldstyle')->fill('edit_user', \%params);


sub new_style_runmode {
    my $self = shift;

    # ...

    # use Petal to fill template edit_user.xhml
    $self->template->fill('edit_user.xhtml', \%params);


Flexible Syntax

The syntax is pretty flexible. Pick a style that's most comfortable for you.

CGI::Application::Plugin::TT style syntax

$self->template->process('edit_user', \%params);

or (with slightly less typing):

$self->template->fill('edit_user', \%params);

CGI::Application load_tmpl style syntax

my $template = $self->template->load('edit_user');
$template->param('foo' => 'bar');

Verbose syntax (for complete control)

my $template = $self->template('named_config')->load(
    file              => 'edit_user'
    type              => 'TemplateToolkit'
    add_include_paths => '.',

$template->param('foo' => 'bar');

See also below under "CHANGING THE NAME OF THE 'template' METHOD".



Initialize the AnyTemplate system and provide the default configuration.

    default_type => 'HTMLTemplate',

You can keep multiple configurations handy at the same time by passing a value to template:

    default_type => 'HTML::Template',
    default_type => 'HTML::Template::Expr',

Then in a runmode you can mix and match configurations:

$self->template('oldstyle')->load  # loads an HTML::Template driver object
$self->template('newstyle')->load  # loads an HTML::Template::Expr driver object

The configuration passed to config is divided into three areas: plugin configuration, driver configuration, and native configuration:

Config Type       What it Configures
-----------       ------------------
Plugin Config     AnyTemplate itself
Driver Config     AnyTemplate Driver (e.g. HTMLTemplate)
Native Config     Actual template module (e.g. HTML::Template)

These are described in more detail below.

Plugin Configuration

These configuration params are specific to the CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate itself. They are included at the top level of the configuration hash passed to config. For instance:

    default_type                => 'HTMLTemplate',
    auto_add_template_extension => 0,

The plugin configuration parameters and their defaults are as follows:


The default type of template for this named configuration. Should be the name of a driver in the CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver namespace:

Type                Driver
----                ------
HTMLTemplate        CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate
HTMLTemplateExpr    CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplateExpr
TemplateToolkit     CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::TemplateToolkit
Petal               CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::Petal

Include Paths (sometimes called search paths) are used by the various template backends to find filenames that aren't fully qualified by an absolute path. Each directory is searched in turn until the template file is found.

Can be a single string or a reference to a list.


Add a template-system specific extension to template filenames.

So, if this feature is enabled and you provide the filename myfile, then the actual filename will depend on the current template driver:

Driver                 Template
------                 --------
HTMLTemplate           myfile.html
HTMLTemplateExpr       myfile.html
TemplateToolkit        myfile.tmpl
Petal                  myfile.xhtml

The per-type extension is controlled by the driver config for each AnyTemplate driver (see below under "Driver and Native Configuration" for how to set this).

The auto_add_template_extension feature is on by default. To disable it, pass a value of zero:

    auto_add_template_extension => 0,

The automatic extension feature is not just there to save typing - it's actually there so you can have templates of different types sitting in the same directory.

sub my_runmode {
    my $self = shift;

Then in your template path you can have three files:


Then you can change which templates is used by changing the value of type that you pass to $self->template->config.

For applications that want to dynamically choose their template system without changing app code, it's a cleaner solution to use the extensions than trying to swap template paths at runtime. Even if you keep each type of template in its own directory, it's simpler to include all the directories all the time and use different extensions for different template types.


If you don't pass a filename to load, one will be generated for you based on the current run mode. If you want to customize this process, you can pass a reference to a subroutine to do the translation. This subroutine will be passed a reference to the CGI::Application $self object.

Here is a subroutine that emulates the built-in behaviour of AnyTemplate:

    template_filename_generator => sub {
        my ($self, $calling_method_name) = @_;
            return $self->get_current_runmode;

Here is an example of using a template filename generator to make full templates with full paths based on the module name as well as the current run mode (this is similar to how CGI::Application::Plugin::TT generates its template filenames):

package My::WebApp;
use File::Spec;

sub cgiapp_init {
    my $self = shift;

        template_filename_generator => sub {
            my $self     = shift;
            my $run_mode = $self->get_current_runmode;
            my $module   = ref $self;

            my @segments = split /::/, $module;

            return File::Spec->catfile(@segments, $run_mode);

sub run_mode {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->template->load;  # loads My/WebApp/run_mode.html

sub other_run_mode {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->template->load;  # loads My/WebApp/other_run_mode.html

Note that if the auto_add_template_extension option is on (which it is by default), then the extension will be added to your generated filename after you return it. If you do not want this to happen, then set auto_add_template_extension to a false value.


Normally, component embedding is handled by CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::ComponentHandler. If you want to use a different class for this purpose, specify the class name as the value of this paramter.

It still has to provide the same interface as CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::ComponentHandler. See the source code of that module for details.


When true (the default), output will return a reference to a string rather than a copy. Normally this won't matter. For instance, CGI::Application doesn't care whether you return a string or a reference to a string from your run modes.

However, if you want to manipulate the output of the $html returned from the template, you may find it convenient to make output return a string instead of a reference. Especially if you are converting old code based on HTML::Template which expects output to return a string.

Driver and Native Configuration

You can configure all the drivers at once with a single call to config, by including subsections for each driver type:

    default_type => 'HTMLTemplate',
    HTMLTemplate => {
        cache              => 1,
        global_vars        => 1,
        die_on_bad_params  => 0,
        template_extension => '.html',
    HTMLTemplateExpr => {
        cache              => 1,
        global_vars        => 1,
        die_on_bad_params  => 0,
        template_extension => '.html',
    HTMLTemplatePluggable => {
        cache              => 1,
        global_vars        => 1,
        die_on_bad_params  => 0,
        template_extension => '.html',
    TemplateToolkit => {
        POST_CHOMP         => 1,
        template_extension => '.tmpl',
    Petal => {
        error_on_undef     => 0,
        template_extension => '.xhtml',

Each driver knows how to separate its own configuration from the configuration belonging to the underlying template system.

For instance in the example above, the HTMLTemplate driver knows that template_extension is a driver config parameter, but cache_global_vars and die_on_bad_params are all HTML::Template configuration parameters.

Similarly, The TemplateToolkit driver knows that template_extension is a driver config parameter, but POST_CHOMP is a Template::Toolkit configuration parameter.

For details on driver configuration, see the docs for the individual drivers:


Copying Query data into Templates

This feature is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

When you enable this feature all data in $self->query are copied into the template object before the template is processed.

For the HTMLTemplate, HTMLTemplateExpr and HTMLTemplatePluggable drivers this is done with the associate feature of HTML::Template and HTML::Template::Expr, respectively:

my $template = HTML::Template->new(
    associate => $self->query,

For the other systems, this feature is emulated, by copying the query params into the template params before the template is processed.

To enable this feature, pass a true value to associate_query or emulate_associate_query (depending on the template system): $self->template->config( default_type => 'HTMLTemplate', HTMLTemplate => { associate_query => 1, }, HTMLTemplateExpr => { associate_query => 1, }, HTMLTemplatePluggable => { associate_query => 1, }, TemplateToolkit => { emulate_associate_query => 1, }, Petal => { emulate_associate_query => 1, }, );

The reason this feature is now disabled by default is that it poses a potential XSS (Cross Site Scripting) security risk.

The reason this feature is now deprecated is that in an ideal world developers shouldn't have to flatten objects and hashes in order to make them available to their templates. They should be able to pass the query object (or another object such as a config object) directly into the template:

    'query' => $self->query,
    'cfg'   => $self->cfg,
    'ENV'   => $ENV,

And in the template retrieve parameters directly:

your username: [% query.param('username') %]
administrator: [% cfg.admin %]
hostname:      [% ENV.SERVER_NAME %]

This approach works with Template::Toolkit, Petal, and HTML::Template::Pluggable (via the HTML::Template::Plugin::Dot plugin).

Note that associate and associate_query are not compatible. So if you want to associate the query and an additional object, pass a list to associate:

    HTMLTemplate => {
        associate => [$self->query, $self->conf]


Create a new template object and configure it.

This can be as simple (and magical) as:

my $template = $self->template->load;

When you call load with no parameters, it uses the default template type, the default template configuration, and it determines the name of the template based on the name of the current run mode. It determines the current run mode by calling $self->get_current_runmode.

If you want to have the current runmode updated when you pass control to another runmode, use the CGI::Application::Plugin::Forward module:

use CGI::Application::Plugin::Forward;

sub first_runmode {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->forward('second_runmode');
sub second_runmode {
    my $self = shift;
    my $template = $self->template->load;  # loads 'second_runmode.html'

If instead you call $self->other_method directly, the value of $self->get_current_runmode will not be updated:

sub first_runmode {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->other_method;
sub other_method {
    my $self = shift;
    my $template = $self->template->load;  # loads 'first_runmode.html'

If you want to override the way the default template filename is generated, you can do so with the template_filename_generator configuration parameter.

If you call load with one paramter, it is taken to be either the filename or a reference to a string containing the template text:

my $template = $self->template->load('somefile');
my $template = $self->template->load(\$some_text);

If the parameter auto_add_template_exension is true, then the appropriate extension will be added for this template type.

If you call load with more than one parameter, then you can specify filename and configuration paramters directly:

my $template = $self->template->load(
    file                        => 'some_file.tmpl',
    type                        => 'HTMLTemplate',
    auto_add_template_extension => 0,
    add_include_paths           => '..',
    HTMLTemplate => {
        die_on_bad_params => 1,

To initialize the template from a string rather than a file, use:

my $template = $self->template->load(
    string =>  \$some_text,

The configuration parameters you pass to load are merged with the configuration that was passed to "config".

You can include any of the configuration parameters that you can pass to config, plus the following extra parameters:


If you are loading the template from a file, then the file parameter contains the template's filename.


If you are loading the template from a string, then the string parameter contains the text of the template. It can be either a scalar or a reference to a scalar. Both of the following will work:

# passing a string
my $template = $self->template->load(
    string => $some_text,

# passing a reference to a string
my $template = $self->template->load(
    string => \$some_text,

Additional include paths. These will be merged with include_paths before being passed to the template driver.

The load method returns a template driver object. See below under DRIVER METHODS, for how to use this object.


Fill is a convenience method which in a single step creates the template, fills it with the template paramters and returns its output.

You can call it with or without a filename (or string ref).

The code:

$self->template->fill('filename', \%params);

is equivalent to:

my $template = $self->template->load('filename');

And the code:

$self->template->fill(\$some_text, \%params);

is equivalent to:

my $template = $self->template->load(\$some_text);

And the code:


is equivalent to:

my $template = $self->template->load;

And the code:


is equivalent to:

my $template = $self->template->load('filename');

And the code:


is equivalent to:

my $template = $self->template->load(\$some_text);

And the code:


is equivalent to:

my $template = $self->template->load;


"process" is an alias for "fill".


These methods are called directly on your application's $self object.


This is an emulation of CGI::Application's built-in load_tmpl method. For instance:


It is not exported by default. To enable it, use:

use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate qw/:load_tmpl/;

You can call it the same way as documented in CGI::Application and it will have the same effect. However, it will respect the current template type, so you can still use it to fill templates of different backends.

The idea is that you can take an existing CGI::Application-based webapp which uses HTML::Template templates, and add the following code to it:

use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate qw/:load_tmpl/;

sub setup {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->template->config(type => TemplateToolkit);

This will change all existing calls to load_tmpl within your application to use Template::Toolkit based templates.


my $template = $self->load_tmpl('some_template.html');

It is the equivalent of calling:

my $template = $self->template->load(
    file => 'some_template.html',
    auto_add_template_extension => 0,

If you add extra options to load_tmpl, these will be assumed to be HTML::Template specific options, with the exception of the path option, which will be extracted and used as 'add_include_paths':

my $template = $self->load_tmpl('some_template.html',
    cache => 0,
    path  => '/path/to/templates',

This will get translated into:

my $template = $self->template->load(
    file => 'some_template.html',
    auto_add_template_extension => 0,
    add_include_paths => '/path/to/templates',
    HTMLTemplate => {
        cache => 0,

Note that if you specify any HTML::Template-specific options here, they will completely overwrite any options that you passed to config.

Some notes and caveats about using the load_tmpl method:

  • This method only works for the default template configuration (i.e. $self->template()). If you set up a named configuration (e.g. $self->template('myconfig')) there is no way to access it with load_tmpl. Since plugins should be using named configurations, this means that the load_tmpl method should not be used by plugins. See "NOTES FOR AUTHORS OF PLUGINS AND REUSABLE APPLICATIONS", below.

  • The load_tmpl method does not automatically add an extension to the filename you pass to it, even if you have auto_add_template_extension set to a true value in your call to $self->template->config.

  • The load_tmpl method ignores always returns a string, not a reference to a string. It ignores the setting of the returns_references option.


You can set the template include_paths by calling $self->tmpl_path('/path/to/templates').

You can also do so by passing a value to the TMPL_PATH parameter to your application's new method:

my $webapp = App->new(
    TMPL_PATH => '/path/to/templates',

Paths that you set via tmpl_path/TMPL_PATH will be put last in the list of include paths, after add_include_paths and include_paths.


These are the most commonly used methods of the AnyTemplate driver object. The driver is what you get back from calling $self->template->load.


The param method gets and sets values within the template.

my $template = $self->template->load;

my @param_names = $template->param();

my $value = $template->param('name');

$template->param('name' => 'value');
    'name1' => 'value1',
    'name2' => 'value2'

It is designed to behave similarly to the param method in other modules like CGI and HTML::Template.


Returns the template variables as a hash of names and values.

my %params     = $self->template->get_param_hash;

In a scalar context, returns a reference to the hash used internally to contain the values:

my $params_ref = $self->template->get_param_hash;

$params_ref->{'foo'} = 'bar';  # directly change parameter 'foo'


Returns the template with all the values filled in.

return $template->output;

You can also supply names and values to the template at this stage:

return $template->output('name' => 'value', 'name2' => 'value2');

If return_references option is set to true, then the return value of output will be a reference to a string. If the return_references option is false, then a copy of the string will be returned. By default return_references is true.

When you call the output method, any components embedded in the template are run. See "EMBEDDED COMPONENTS", below.


There are several ways to customize the template process. You can modify the template parameters before the template is filled, and you can modify the output of the template after it has been filled.

Multiple applications and plugins can hook into the template process pipeline, each making changes to the template input and output.

For instance, it will be possible to make a general-purpose CGI::Application plugin that adds arbitrary data to each new template (such as query parameters or configuration data).

Note that the API has changed for version 0.10 in a non-backwards-compatible way in order to use the new hook system provided by recent versions of CGI::Application.

The load_tmpl hook

The load_tmpl hook is designed to be compatible with the load_tmpl hook defined by CGI::Application itself.

The load_tmpl hook is called before the template object is created. Any callbacks that you register to this hook will be called before each template is loaded. Register a load_tmpl callback with:


When the load_tmpl callback is executed it will be passed three arguments (adapted from the CGI::Application docs):

1. A hash reference of the extra params passed into C<load_tmpl>
   (ignored by AnyTemplate with the exception of 'path')

2. Followed by a hash reference to template parameters.
   You can modify this hash by reference to affect values that are
   actually passed to the param() method of the template object.

3. The name of the template file.

Here's an example stub for a load_tmpl() callback:

sub my_load_tmpl_callback {
    my ($self, $ht_params, $tmpl_params, $tmpl_file) = @_;
    # modify $tmpl_params by reference...

Currently, of all the params in $ht_params, all but 'path' are ignored, because these are specific to HTML::Template. If you want to write a generic callback that needs to be able to access or modify HTML::Template parameters then let me know, or add a feature request on

The path param of $ht_params is initially set to the value of add_include_paths (if set). Your callback can modify the path param, and add_include_param will be set to the result.

Plugin authors who want to provide template processing features are encouraged to use the 'load_tmpl' hook when possible, since it will work both with AnyTemplate and with CGI::Application's built-in load_tmpl.

The template_pre_process and template_post_process hooks

Before the template output is generated, the template_pre_process hook is called. Any callbacks that you register to this hook will be called before each template is processed. Register a template_pre_process callback as follows:

$self->add_callback('template_pre_process', \&my_tmpl_pre_process);

Pre-process callbacks will be passed a reference to the $template object, and can can modify the parameters passed into the template by using the param method:

sub my_tmpl_pre_process {
    my ($self, $template) = @_;

    # Change the internal template parameters by reference
    my $params = $template->get_param_hash;

    foreach my $key (keys %$params) {
        $params{$key} = to_piglatin($params{$key});

    # Can also set values using the param method
    $template->param('foo', 'bar');


After the template output is generated, the template_post_process hook is called. You can register a template_post_process callback as follows:

$self->add_callback('template_post_process', \&my_tmpl_post_process);

Any callbacks that you register to this hook will be called after each template is processed, and will be passed both a reference to the template object and a reference to the output generated by the template. This allows you to modify the output of the template:

sub my_tmpl_post_process {
    my ($self, $template, $output_ref) = @_;

    $$output_ref =~ s/foo/bar/;



CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate allows you to include application components within your templates.

For instance, you might include a header component a the top of every page and a footer component at the bottom of every page.

These componenets are actually first-class run modes. When the template engine finds a special tag marking an embedded component, it passes control to the run mode of that name. That run mode can then do whatever a normal run mode could do. But typically it will load its own template and return the template's output.

This output returned from the embedded run mode is inserted into the containing template.

The syntax for embed components is specific to each type of template driver.


HTML::Template syntax:

<TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIAPP_embed('some_run_mode')">

HTML::Template::Expr syntax:

<TMPL_VAR EXPR="CGIAPP_embed('some_run_mode')">

HTML::Template::Pluggable syntax:

<TMPL_VAR EXPR="cgiapp.embed('some_run_mode')">

Template::Toolkit syntax:

[% CGIAPP.embed("some_run_mode") %]

Petal syntax:

<span tal:replace="structure CGIAPP/embed 'some_run_mode'">
    this text gets replaced by the output of some_run_mode

Getting Template Variables from the Containing Template

The component run mode is passed a reference to the template object that contained the component. The component run mode can use this object to access the params that were passed to the containing template.

For instance:

sub header {
    my ($self, $containing_template, @other_params) = @_;

    my %tmplvars = (
        'title' => 'My glorious home page',

    my $template = $self->template->load;

    $template->param(%tmplvars, $containing_template->get_param_hash);
    return $template->output;

In this example, the template values of the enclosing template would override any values set by the embedded component.

Passing Parameters

The template can pass parameters to the target run mode. These are passed in after the reference to the containing template object.

Parameters can either be literal strings, specified within the template text, or they can be keys that will be looked up in the template's params.

Literal strings are enclosed in double or single quotes. Param keys are barewords.

HTML::Template syntax:

<TMPL_VAR NAME="CGIAPP_embed('some_run_mode', param1, 'literal string2')">

Note that HTML::Template doesn't support this type of callback natively and that this behaviour is emulated by the HTMLTemplate driver see the docs to CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate::Driver::HTMLTemplate for limitations to the emulation.

HTML::Template::Expr syntax:

<TMPL_VAR EXPR="CGIAPP_embed('some_run_mode', param1, 'literal string2')">

HTML::Template::Pluggable syntax:

<TMPL_VAR EXPR="cgiapp.embed('some_run_mode', param1, 'literal string2')">

Template::Toolkit syntax:

[% CGIAPP.embed("some_run_mode", param1, 'literal string2' ) %]

Petal syntax:

<span tal:replace="structure CGIAPP/embed 'some_run_mode' param1 'literal string2' ">
    this text gets replaced by the output of some_run_mode


If you are writing a CGI::Application plugin module, or you are writing a CGI::Application program that will be distributed to other people (e.g. on CPAN), then it's important to take steps to prevent your application's use of CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate from conflicting with other plugins or with your end users.

When a plugin that uses CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate calls:


It overwrites any existing template configuration with the new settings. So if two plugins do that, they probably clobber each other.

However, CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate has the feature of named independent configs:


These configs remain separate from each other. However, you have to keep using these names throughout your module, even when you load and fill the template. For instance:

sub my_runmode {
    my $self = shift;
    my $template = $self->template('my_plugin')->load;

sub your_runmode {
    my $self = shift;
    my %params;

It's uglier and more verbose, but it also prevents plugins from stepping on each other's toes.

CGI::Application plugins that use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate should default to using their own package name for the AnyTemplate config name:



If you want to access the features of this module using a method other than template, you can do so via Anno Siegel's Exporter::Renaming module (available on CPAN).

For instance, to use syntax similar to CGI::Application::Plugin::TT:

use Exporter::Renaming;
use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate Renaming => [ template => tt];

sub cgiapp_init {
    my $self = shift;

    my %params = ( ... );

    # Set config file and other options
        default_type => 'TemplateToolkit',


sub my_runmode {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->tt->process('file', \%params);

And to use syntax similar to CGI::Application's load_tmpl mechanism:

use Exporter::Renaming;
use CGI::Application::Plugin::AnyTemplate Renaming => [ template => tmpl];

sub cgiapp_init {
    my $self = shift;

    # Set config file and other options
        default_type => 'HTMLTemplate',


sub my_runmode {
    my $self = shift;

    my %params = ( ... );

    my $template = $self->tmpl->load('file');


Michael Graham, <>


I originally wrote this to be a subsystem in Richard Dice's CGI::Application-based framework, before I moved it into its own module.

Various ideas taken from CGI::Application (Jesse Erlbaum), CGI::Application::Plugin::TT (Cees Hek) and Text::Boilerplate (Stephen Nelson).

Template::Toolkit singleton support code stolen from CGI::Application::Plugin::TT.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


The source code repository for this module can be found at










Copyright 2005 Michael Graham, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.