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Business::Stripe - Interface for Stripe payment system.


my $stripe = Business::Stripe->new(
   -api_key => 'your-api-key-here',

## get the payment token from Stripe.js, then:
    amount         => 400,
    source         => 'tok_5EuIyKyCTc0f2V',
    description    => 'Ice cream'
) and return $stripe->success;

say $stripe->error->{message};


This module provides common bindings for the Stripe payment system. Any API calls that do not have bindings can be accessed through the generic api method.

General Methods

new (%options)

Creates a new Business::Stripe object for you to use. The only required argument is -api_key, which was given to you as part of your Stripe account to access the API.

Other (optional) arguments are:

-version Sets a Stripe API version to use, overriding your account's default. You can use this to test if new versions of the API work with your code. To support marketplaces, for instance, you should use at least '2014-11-05'.
-ua_args Hashref of options that will be passed directly as arguments to LWP::UserAgent. Example:
my $stripe = Business::Stripe->new(
    -api_key => 'xxxxxxxxx',
    -ua_args => {
        timeout   => 10,
        env_proxy => 1,
        agent     => 'myApp',
        ssl_opts  => { verify_hostname => 0 },
-ua Completely overrides the default user agent object (LWP::UserAgent). Note that your object must accept HTTPS, and provide a request() method accepting HTTP::Request objects and returning HTTP::Response-compatible objects. You can use this to have a common user agent make all requests in your code. The example above works exactly like:
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
    timeout   => 10,
    env_proxy => 1,
    agent     => 'myApp',
    ssl_opts  => { verify_hostname => 0 },

my $stripe = Business::Stripe->new(
    -api_key => 'xxxxxxxx',
    -ua      => $ua,
-url Overrides the default API endpoint (
-stripe_account If you use the OAauth authentication flow for managed accounts You can use this argument to make operations on behalf of a managed account.

api ($method, $path, %params)

Generic function that sends requests to Stripe. Check the Stripe API Reference for specific calls.

The first argument is the HTTP method: "post", "get" or "delete".

The second is the target path, like "tokens", "plans", "customers" or even complex paths like "customers/$id/subscriptions". Check the Stripe API Reference for a list of all available paths.

Use the optional third argument to send a hash of data with your API call. This is usually required on all "post" calls to the API.

On success, it returns a true value. If the returned data structure contains an id field, this is the value returned. Otherwise, "1" is returned and you should check $stripe->success() for the actual data structure.

In case of failures, it returns false (0) and you should then check $stripe->error() for the appropriate data structure.


get a credit card source token on the server side (without using Stripe.js)
my $token_id = $stripe->api('post', 'tokens',
    'card[number]'    => '4242424242424242',
    'card[exp_month]' => 12,
    'card[exp_year]'  => 2022,
    'card[cvc]'       => 123
) or die $stripe->error->{message};
create a new customer (with the $token_id from above)
my $customer = $stripe->api('post', 'customers',
    email       => '',
    name        => 'Jane S. Customer',
    description => 'Displayed alongside the customer on your dashboard',
    source      => $token_id,
) and $stripe->success;
die $stripe->error unless $customer;
create a new plan to subscribe your customers
my $plan_id = $stripe->api('post', 'plans',
    'amount'        => 999,       # *IN CENTS* (999 = 9.99). Use 0 for a free plan!
    'id'            => 'my-plan', # Optional. Must be unique in your account
    'currency'      => 'usd',     # See
    'interval'      => 'month',   # Also: 'day', 'week', 'year'
    'product[name]' => 'My Plan',
) or die $stripe->error->{message};
subscribe the customer to a plan (using examples above)
my $subscription = $stripe->api('post', 'subscriptions',
    'customer'       => $customer->{id},
    'items[0][plan]' => $plan_id,
) ? $stripe->success : $stripe_error;
cancel a subscription immediately
$stripe->api('delete', "subscriptions/" . $subscription->{id})
   or die "error canceling subscription: " . $stripe->error->{message};

As you can see, all actions can be performed by using only this method. The other methods provided by this class are just helper wrappers around this, for frequently made calls.


All API and helper methods return 0 when they encounter error conditions. The JSON object returned by Stripe can be retrieved via this method.

say $stripe->error->{message};

Most error messages include message, code, type and doc_url.


All API and helper methods return either 1 or the object's ID on success. Use this method to get access to the complete JSON object returned on the last call made by your object. See Stripe's API Documentation for details on what is returned on each call.

say $stripe->success->{data}->[0]->{description};


Set of methods that handle credit/debit card such as charging a card, refund, retrieve specific charge and list charges.

charges_create (%params)

my $success = $stripe->charges_create(
    amount      => 100,  # <-- amount in cents
    source      => 'tok_Wzm6ewTBrkVvC3',
    description => ''

Charges a credit card or other payment sources. This is exactly the same as $stripe->api('post', 'charges', %params), except that it defaults to 'usd' if you don't provide a currency.

It returns the id of the charge on success, or 0 on error. You may also check $stripe->success or $stripe->error for the complete JSON.

Please see Stripe's API Documentation for which parameters are accepted by your current API version.

Note: The amount field is in the currency's smallest unit. For currencies that allow cents (like USD), an amount of 100 means $1.00, 1000 mean $10.00 and so on. For zero-decimal currencies (like JPY) you don't have to multiply, as an amount of 100 mean ¥100.

Note: Older (2015-ish) versions of Stripe's API support the card parameter containing the source token from Stripe.js. This has since been deprecated in favour of the source parameter, shown in the example above.

charges_retrieve ($id)

my $charge_data = $stripe->charges_retrieve('ch_uxLBSIZB8azrSr')
    and $stripe->success;

Takes the charge id value and yields data about the charge, available on $stripe->success .

This is exactly the same as $stripe->api('get', "charges/$charge_id").

charges_refund ($id, [$amount])

Refunds a specific amount (or if omitted, issues a full refund) to the charge id. Remember: the amount parameter is in cents whenever the currency supports cents.

### refunds full amount
   or die $stripe->error->{message};

### refunds $5 over a bigger charge
$stripe->charges_refund('ch_uxLBSIZB8azrSr', 500)
   or die $stripe->error->{message};

charges_list (%params)

List all the charges, with pagination.

### lists next 5 charges
my $charges = $stripe->charges_list(limit => 5)
    ? $stripe->success : die $stripe->error->{message};

foreach my $charge (@{$charges->{data}}) {
    say $charge->{amount} . $charge->{currency};

if ($charges->{has_more}) {
    say "there are more charges to show if you raise the limit"
      . " or change the 'starting_after' argument.";

Pass on the customer's ID to only get charges made to that customer:

$stripe->charges_list(customer => 'cus_gpj0mzwbQKBI7c')
    or die "error fetching customer charges: " . $stripe->error;

my $charges = $stripe->success;


Some operations require you create a customer. Also, by creating a customer, you don't have to ask for credit card information on every charge.

customers_create (%params)

Creates a new customer according to the credit card information or token given. Use this method to create a customer-ID for the given card (token when used in conjunction with Stripe.js). The customer-ID can be passed to charges_create's customer parameter instead of source so that you don't have to ask for credit card info again.

my $customer_id = $stripe->customers_create(
    source      => 'tok_Wzm6ewTBrkVvC3',
    email       => '',
    description => 'userid-123456'
) or die $stripe->error;

### charges the customer $5
    customer    => $customer_id,
    amount      => 500,
    description => 'userid-123456 paid $5'

Returns the customer's ID if successful. As usual, you may check the full JSON object returned on $stripe->success .

customers_retrieve ($id)

Gets the customer's object. Returns the id (which you already have) so make sure to fetch the actual object using $stripe->success .

my $customer = $stripe->customers_retrieve('cus_gpj0mzwbQKBI7c')
    and $stripe->success;
die $stripe->error unless $customer;

customers_update ($id, [%params])

Updates customer's information.

    email => '',

Note: If you update the source of a customer, Stripe will create a source object with the new value, make it the default source, and delete the old customer default if it exists. If you just want to add extra sources for that customer, refer to Stripe's card creation API .

customers_delete ($id)

Deletes the customer.

   or die $stripe->error;

customers_list (%params)

List all customers.

$stripe->customers_list(limit => 20);

customers_subscribe ($id, %params)

Subscribes a customer to a specified plan:

    'items[0][plan]' => $some_plan_id,
    'prorate'        => 'false'

Assuming $some_plan_id is the id of a plan already created in your Stripe account.

Note: pass 'items[0][quantity]' with a value of 2 or more to subscribe the same user to 2 or more of the same plan. It defaults to 1.

Note: This method will replace all your user's subscriptions with the new data provided. To subscribe the user to more than one plan, write:

$stripe->api('post', 'subscriptions',
    'customer'       => $customer_id,
    'items[0][plan]' => $plan_id_to_add,

Note that this will keep all previous billing cycles (and associated fees) for any other subscription already present and add a new billing cycle (and fee) for this new one. If you want to subscribe the customer to more than one plan with a single billing cycle, pass each plan as a separate item:

    'items[0][plan]' => $some_plan_id,
    'items[1][plan]' => $other_plan_id,
) or die "error subscribing customer: " . $stripe->error->{message};

customers_unsubscribe ($id)

Immediately unsubscribe the customer from all currently subscribed plans. Useful for terminating accounts (or paid subscriptions).

NOTE: As per Stripe's documentation, any pending invoice items that you’ve created will still be charged for at the end of the period, unless manually deleted. If you’ve set the subscription to cancel at the end of the period, any pending prorations will also be left in place and collected at the end of the period. But if the subscription is set to cancel immediately, pending prorations will be removed.

   or die "error unsubscribing customer: " . $stripe->error->{message};



Stripe.js Documentation

Stripe Full API Reference

Full featured implementation by Luke Closs Net::Stripe.


This module is implemented as a single-file package. If you don't want to use the CPAN distribution, you can download from the root directory and renamed it to


Edit and remove the :: between the package name on the first line to:

package BusinessStripe;

Include the file in your program:

use BusinessStripe;
my $stripe = BusinessStripe->new(
    -api_key => 'c6EiNIusHip8x5hkdIjtur7KNUA3TTpE',
    -env_proxy => 1,


Paul Pham (@phamnp)


Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Aquaron. All Rights Reserved.

This program and library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.