Bio::Metabolic::Substrate - Perl extension for the description of biochemical substrates
use Bio::Metabolic::Substrate;
my $sub1 = Bio::Metabolic::Substrate->new('Water');
my $sub2 = Bio::Metabolic::Substrate->new('Oxygen', {o => 2});
This class implements the object class representing Biochemical Compounds (Substrates) occurring in biochemical reactions. Substrates must contain a name and arbitrary many attributes.
String Conversion
$string = "$substrate";
print "\$substrate = '$substrate'\n";
if ($sub1 == $sub2)
if ($sub1 != $sub2)
Lexical comparison
$cmp = $sub1 cmp $sub2;
Oliver Ebenhöh,
Constructor new
First argument must specify the name. Second argument is a hash reference of key-value pairs defining the object attributes. Attributes are optional.
Upon creation, each substrate object gets associated with a variable (Math::Symbolic::Variable object) which is accessible by the accessor method var(). The purpose for this is the automatic creation of ordinary differential equation systems describing the dynamic behaviour of a metabolic system.
Returns a Bio::Metabolic::Substrate.
Method copy
copy() returns a copy of the object. Attributes are cloned. The variable associated with the substrate (see var() below) is new defined and the value (if existing) is not copied.
Method name
Optional argument: sets the object's name. Returns the object's name.
Method attributes
Optional argument: sets the object's attributes. Returns the object's attributes.
Method var
Optional argument: sets the object's variable. Returns the object's variable (Math::Symbolic::Variable object).
Method fix
Sets the value of the object's variable, thus fixing the substrate's concentration.
Method release
Sets the value of the object's variable to undef, thus releasing the substrate's concentration.
Method get_attribute
Argument specifies the attribute name. Returns the attribute value or undef if such an attribute does not exist.
Method substrate_to_string
Returns a readable string. The string consists of the object's attributes listed in braces. If the object does not have any attributes, the string consists of the object's name in square brackets.
Method equals
Compares two substrates. If one of the substrates has attributes the set of attributes is compared. If both objects are without attributes, the names are compared. Returns 1 upon equality, 0 otherwise.
Method not_equals
Compares two substrates. If one of the substrates has attributes the set of attributes is compared. If both objects are without attributes, the names are compared. Returns 0 upon equality, 1 otherwise.
Method is_empty
returns 1 if the object does not have any attributes
Method compare_names
Lexical comparison of the object names or optionally strings.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 43:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Ebenhöh,'. Assuming CP1252