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Bib::Tools - For managing collections of Bib::CrossRef references.


 use strict;
 use Bib::Tools;

# Create a new object

 my $refs = Bib::Tools->new();

# Add some bibliometric info e.g. as text, one reference per line

 open $fh, '<', \$text;
 Dangerfield, I., Malone, D., Leith, D.J., 2011, Incentivising fairness and policing nodes in WiFi, IEEE Communications Letters, 15(5), pp500-502
 D. Giustiniano, D. Malone, D.J. Leith and K. Papagiannaki, 2010. Measuring transmission opportunities in 802.11 links. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(5), pp1516-1529
 open $fh, '<', \$text;

# or as text scraped from a google scholar personal home page


# or as text obtained from ORCID (


# or as text from PubMed

 $refs->add_pubmed('mills kh[author]');

# or as text from DBLP


# Bib:Tools will use Bib:CrossRef to try to resolve the supplied text into full citations. It will try to detect duplicates using DOI information, so its fairly safe to import from multiple sources without creating clashes. Full citations without DOI information are kept separately from those with a DOI for better quality control.

# The resulting list of full citations containing DOI's can be printed out in human readable form using

 print $refs->print;

# and the list of full citations without DOI's

 print $refs->print_nodoi;

# or the complete citation list can also be output as a simple web page using

 print $refs->send_resp;



 my $refs = Bib::Tools->new();

Creates a new Bib::Tools object. Queries to crossref via Bib::CrossRef are rate limited. To change the ratelimit pass this as an option to new e.g $refs = Bib::Tools->new(3) sets the rate limit to 3 queries per second.



Scrapes citation information from a google scholar personal home page (*not* a search page, see below) and tries resolve it into full citations using crossref.


Scrapes citation information from a google scholar search page and tries to resolve into full citations. A different method is needed for search and home pages due to the different html tags used.



Uses the ORCID API to extract citations for the specified user identifier. If possible, the DOI is obtained and then resolved using crossref.



Uses DBLP XML API to extract citations. If possible, the DOI is obtained and then resolved using crossref. E.g.




Uses PubMed API to extract citations listed in response to a query. E.g.

 $refs->add_pubmed('mills kh[author]');



Given a array of strings, one per citation, tries to resolve these into full citations.


 $refs->add_bibtex($fh, $opt);

Given a file handle to a file containing bibtex entries, imports these citations. If a citation has a DOI and $opt is non-zero (the default), this will be used to try to obtain the full citation from



Given a file handle to a text file, with one citation per line, tries to resolve these into full citations.


 my $info = $refs->print;

Display the list of full citations that have DOIs in human readable form.

 my $info = $refs->print_nodoi;

Display the list of full citations without DOIs in human readable form.



Set the output format to be html



Set the output format to be plain text


 my $info = $refs->send_resp;


 my $num = $refs->num;

Returns the number of full citations that have DOIs


 my $num = $refs->num_nodoi;

Returns the number of full citations without DOIs


 my $ref = $refs->getref($i);

Returns the $i citation from the list with DOIs. This can be used to walk the list of citations.


 my $ref = $refs->getref_nodoi($i);

Returns the $i citation from the list without DOIs


  my $ref = Bib::CrossRef->new;

Adds a Bib::CrossRef to end of a Bib::Tools list of objects


You can export the following functions if you do not want to use the object orientated interface:

sethtml clearhtml add_details add_google add_google_search add_orcid add_fromfile add_dblp add_pubmed send_resp print print_nodoi num num_nodoi getref getref_nodoi append add_bibtex

The tag all is available to easily export everything:

 use Bib::Tools qw(:all);


A simple web interface to Bib::Tools is contained in the examples folder. This consists of three files: query.html, and post.js.


 <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"></head><body>
 <div style="position:relative; height:600px; padding:10px; border:1px solid">
 <h3>Import References</h3>
 <form action="" method="POST" id="in" enctype="multipart/form-data">
 <tr><td>Use ORCID id:<br><small style="color:#C0C0C0">e.g. 0000-0003-4056-4014</small></td>
 <td><INPUT type="text" name="orcid" size="128"></p></td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan=2>(to import from Scopus, follow these <a href="">instructions</a>, and for Web of Science/ResearcherId follow <a href="">these</a>)</td></tr>

 <tr><td width="150px">Use DBLP XML page:<br>
 <small style="color:#C0C0C0">e.g.</small></td>
 <td> <INPUT type="text" name="dblp" size="128"></td></tr>

 <tr><td>Use PubMed query:<br><small style="color:#C0C0C0">e.g. mills kh[author]</small></td>
 <td> <INPUT type="text" name="query" size="128"></td></tr>

 <tr><td>BibTeX file:</td>
 <td> <INPUT type="file" name="bibtex"></td></tr>

 <tr><td>Use Google Scholar personal page:<br>
 <small style="color:#C0C0C0">e.g.</small></td>
 <td><INPUT type="text" name="google" size="128"></p></td></tr>

 <tr><td>Use Google Scholar search page:<br>
 <small style="color:#C0C0C0">e.g.</small></td>
 <td><INPUT type="text" name="google2" size="128"></p></td></tr>

 <p>Enter references, one per line (free form text):</p>
 <textarea name="refs" rows="10" cols="128" form="in"></textarea><br>
 <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit">(can be slow, be patient)
 <div style="position: absolute; bottom: 5px;"><small>Source: <a href="">Bib::Tools</a></div>

 use Bib::CrossRef;
 use Bib::Tools;
 use CGI;

 # send html header
 print "Content-Type: text/html;\n\n";

 my $q = CGI->new;
 my $refs = Bib::Tools->new;
 my $orcid = scalar $q->param('orcid');
 $orcid =~ /([0-9\-]+)$/; # extract id out of url
 $orcid = $1;
 if (length($orcid) > 5) {

 my $google = scalar $q->param('google'); #NB: CGI has already carried out URL decoding
 if (length($google) > 5) {
   if (!($google =~ m/^http/)) { $google = "http://".$google;}

 my $google2 = scalar $q->param('google2'); #NB: CGI has already carried out URL decoding
 if (length($google2) > 5) {
   if (!($google2 =~ m/^http/)) { $google2 = "http://".$google2;}

 my $dblp = scalar $q->param('dblp');
 if (length($dblp) > 5) {
   if (!($dblp =~ m/^http/)) { $dblp = "http://".$dblp;}
   if ($dblp =~ m/http:\/\/\/pers\/xx\/l\/.+/) {
      # looks like a valid dblp url
   } else {
      print "<p style='color:red'>DBLP url looks invalid: ", $dblp,"</p>";

 my $pubmed = scalar $q->param('pubmed');
 if (length($pubmed) > 5) {

 $filename = scalar $q->param('bibtex');
 $tmpfilename = $q->tmpFileName($filename);
 open my $fh, "<", $tmpfilename;
 my @values = $q->multi_param('refs');
 foreach my $value (@values) {
   open my $fh, "<", \$value; #NB: CGI has already carried out URL decoding

 print $refs->send_resp;


 function GetCellValues(dataTable) {
    var table = document.getElementById(dataTable);
    if (table == null) return;
    var i = 0; var Obj = [];
    var names = table.rows[0];
    for (var r = 1; r < table.rows.length; r++) {
        if (table.rows[r].id == 'cite') {
          var row = table.rows[r].cells;
          var check = table.rows[r].getElementsByTagName('Input');
          if (check.length>0){
            Obj[i] = {};
            for (var c = 3; c < row.length; c++){
              var tag = names.cells[c].textContent;
              Obj[i][tag] =row[c].textContent;
            i = i+1;
    var jsonString = JSON.stringify(Obj);
    document.getElementById('out').innerHTML = document.getElementById('out').innerHTML+jsonString;
    // or POST using ajax


Ver 0.15


Doug Leith


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-rrd-db at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2015 D.J.Leith.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.