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Authen::Pluggable - A Perl module to authenticate users via pluggable modules

github workflow tests Top language: github last commit


version 0.03


use Authen::Pluggable;

my $auth = Authen::Pluggable->new();

my $user_info = $auth->authen($username, $password) || die "Login failed";


Authen::Pluggable is a Perl module to authenticate users via pluggable modules

Every plugin class is in namespace Authen::Pluggable::* so you must omit it



This method takes a hash of parameters. The following options are valid:


Any object that supports debug, info, error and warn.

log => Log::Log4perl->get_logger('Authen::Simple::LDAP')

provider($provider, $plugin [opt])

If $plugin is omitted Authen::Pluggable::$provider is loaded. If $plugin is set Authen::Pluggable::$plugin is loaded with $provider as alias.

It return the plugin object.


If @providers items are scalar, they are considered as plugin name and they are loaded. Else they can be hashref items. The hash key is considered as plugin name if there isn't a provider key inside else it's considered as alias name while provider key are considered as plugin name.

$auth->providers('plugin1', 'plugin2')

loads Authen::Pluggable::plugin1 and Authen::Pluggable::plugin2

  {   alias1 => {
          provider => 'plugin1',
          ... other configurations ...
      alias2 => {
          provider => 'plugin1',
          ... other configurations ...

loads Authen::Pluggable::plugin1 two times, one with provider name alias1 and one with alias2. See "50-alias.t" in t in test folder for an example with two different password files

It always return the object itself.

authen($username, $password, [opt] $providers)

Call all configured providers, or only $providers if configured, and return the first with a valid authentication.

The structure returned is usually something like this

{ provider => $provider, user => $user, cn => $cn, gid => $gid };

where $provider is the alias of the provider which return the valid authentication and $cn is the common name of the user.

If no plugins return a valid authentication, this method returns undef.


There are various methods to select the providers where autenticate and to configure it. Here some example using chaining.

This load and configure Passwd plugin

  'file' => ...

This load and confgure AD plugin


Multiple configuration at one time via autoloaded methods

$auth->providers( 'Passwd', 'AD' )
  ->Passwd->cfg('file' => ...)

Same but via providers hashref configuration

  'Passwd' => { 'file' => ... },
  'AD'     => \%opt,


Please report any bugs through the web interface at

If you want to contribute changes or otherwise involve yourself in development, feel free to fork the Git repository from


You can find this documentation with the perldoc command too.

perldoc Authen::Pluggable


Emiliano Bruni <>


This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Emiliano Bruni.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.