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Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::Utils - FITS utility routines


version 0.14


use Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::Utils;


This is a bundle of useful FITS routines which use CFITSIO.


Errors are generally returned by croak()ing. Error messages will begin with Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::Utils.




This is a wrapper around keypar which sets the Value option. For example, instead of this kludge:

$value = keypar( $file, $keyword, { Value => 1 } );

you can type

$value = keyval( $file, $keyword );

Everything else is the same as keypar (including the error messages, which refer to keypar).

# single keyword, return first match
$myitem  = keypar( $file, $keyword, [\%opts] );

# single keyword, multiple HDU matches
@myitems = keypar( $file, $keyword, [\%opts] );

# multiple keywords
@items = keypar( $file, \@keyw, [\%opts] );

This routine searches the headers in the specified FITS file for a keyword with the given name. $file may be a filename or a file heandle returned by Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::open_file(). In the latter case the handle's current HDU is restored after the call to keypar.

The matching keywords are returned either as Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::Utils::Item objects which inherit from Astro::FITS::Header::Item objects, as the value of the keyword (if the Value option is specified), or undef if no match was found. The myItem object adds a member hdu_num which records the number of the HDU in which the keyword is found.

A single keyword may be matched multiple times in an HDU (if it is either COMMENT or HEADER) as well as in multiple HDU's. This behavior is regulated with the Accumulate and OnePerHDU option flags, which are passed via the optional hashref argument (\%opts).

If Accumulate is set, all of the HDU's are scanned for the keyword(s). If OnePerHDU is set, only the first match in an HDU is returned.

The default values for these options depends upon the context in which keypar is called. keypar attempts to provide the most intuitive behavior.

  • If a single keyword is passed (as a scalar) and keypar is called in a scalar context, the first match is returned.

  • If a single keyword is passed (as a scalar) and keypar is called in a list context, Accumulate defaults to 1 and OnePerHDU to 0. This means that all possible matches will be returned. Recall that OnePerHDU only affects COMMENT and HEADER keywords.

  • If an arrayref of keyword(s) is passed Accumulate defaults to 0 and OnePerHDU to 1. This results in the following behavior:

    ( $hdr_keyw1, $hdr_keyw2 ) =
            keypar( $file, [ $keyw1, $key2 ] );

    If either OnePerHDU = 0 or Accumulate = 1, a keyword might match multiple times, and the returned values are arrayrefs containing the list of matched items:

    ( $arrayref_keyw1, $arrayref_keyw2 ) =
           keypar( $file, [ $keyw, $keyw2],
                    { Accumulate => 1 } );

The available option flags are:


If set, matching keywords from all HDU's are returned, not just from the first HDU which has one. This defaults to 0 (off).


Scan only the current HDU. This defaults to 1 (on) if the filename contains extension information, 0 (off) otherwise. keypar uses a crude method of determining if extension information is present (it checks for the [ character in the filename ), so it may be confused if a filter expression is part of the filename.


If set, only one match will be made per HDU. This affects only the COMMENT and HEADER keywords.


If non-zero, returns the value of the keyword, rather than a reference to the keyword object.

%colkey = colkeys( $filename, [\%opts] );

Retrieve the keywords associated with columns in a table in the given FITS file. If no HDU is specified in the options, it will use the first table HDU found.

The following options are recognized:


The name of the extension from which to retrieve the keywords.


The version of the extension from which to retrieve the keywords. Ignored if extname is not also specified. If not specified, the first extension with a matchine extname is used.

The keys in the returned hash are the lowercased column names. The values are hashrefs, with the following values:


The unary based index of the column in the extension


A hashref. The hash keys are the lower-cased names of the keywords for the given column, with the trailing column index removed. The hash values are the keyword values.

croak_status($status, @msg );

Deprecated: use the Astro::FITS::CFITSIO::CheckStatus module instead.

Checks the CFITSIO status variable. If it indicates an error, it croak()'s, outputting first the passed message, then the the corresponding CFITSIO error message. A newline character \n will be appended to the message.

The carp level is adjusted to make the croak appear to be called from the calling routine.



Please report any bugs or feature requests to or through the web interface at:


Source is available at

and may be cloned from


Diab Jerius <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007