This module provides a Unix-like command `saikoro'. This command `saikoro' is a random number generator. Just `saikoro' yielods the integer numbers between 1 and 6 (for 12 times).
You can add many options such as :
saikoro -g 3 # You will get 3 numbers.
saikoro -g 5,6 # You will get a table of random numbers in 5 rows and 6 columns.
saikoro -. 3 # Numbers from [0.000,6.000), with decimally 3 digtis under the floating point.
saikoro -y 1..10 # Numbers are 1 to 10.
saikoro -i , -g 12 # -i changes the output delimiter.
saikoro -s 123 # specifiy the random seed 123.
siakoro -2 0 # suppress the secondary informtion on STDERR.
saikoro --help # give the (Japanese) help .
saikoro --help en # give the English help but of the older version of `saikoro'.