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Pepper - A command-line EPP client.


Pepper is a command-line client for the EPP protocol. It's written in Perl and uses the Net::EPP module.


pepper [OPTIONS]

Available command-line options:

  • --help - show help and exit.

  • --host=HOST - sets the host to connect to.

  • --port=PORT - sets the port. Defaults to 700.

  • --timeout=TIMEOUT - sets the timeout. Defaults to 3.

  • --user=USER - sets the client ID.

  • --pass=PASS - sets the client password.

  • --newpw=PASS - specify a new password to replace the current password.

  • --login-security - force the use of the Login Security extension (RFC 8807).

  • --cert=FILE - specify the client certificate to use to connect.

  • --key=FILE - specify the private key for the client certificate.

  • --exec=COMMAND - specify a command to execute. If not provided, pepper goes into interactive mode.

  • --insecure - disable SSL certificate checks.

  • --lang=LANG - set the language when logging in.

  • --debug - debug mode, makes Net::EPP::Simple verbose.


Pepper supports two usage modes:

1. Interactive mode: this is the default mode. Pepper will provide a command prompt (with history and line editing capabilities) allowing you to input commands manually.
2. Script mode: if Pepper's STDIN is fed a stream of text (ie it's not attached to a terminal) then commands will be read from STDIN and executed sequentially. Pepper will exit once EOF is reached.


Once running in interactive mode, Pepper provides a simple command-line interface. The available commands are listed below.

Getting Help

Use help COMMAND at any time to get information about that command. Where a command supports different object types (ie domain, host, contact), use help command-type, ie help create-domain.

Connection Management

  • host HOST - sets the host to connect to.

  • port PORT - sets the port. Defaults to 700.

  • ssl on|off - enable/disable SSL (default is on)

  • key FILE - sets the private key

  • cert FILE - sets the client certificate.

  • timeout TIMEOUT - sets the timeout

  • connect - connect to the server.

  • hello - gets the greeting from server.

  • exit - quit the program (logging out if necessary)

Session Management

  • id USER - sets the client ID.

  • pw PASS - sets the client password.

  • login - log in.

  • logout - log out.

  • poll req - requests the most recent poll message.

  • poll ack ID - acknowledge the poll message with ID ID.

Query Commands

Availability Checks


This checks the availability of an object. TYPE is one of domain, host, contact, claims or fee. See "Claims and fee Checks" for more information about the latter two.

Object Information


Get object information. TYPE is one of domain, host, contact. For domain objects, PARAMS can be AUTHINFO [HOSTS], where AUTHINFO is the domain's authInfo code, and the optional HOSTS is the value of the "hosts" attribute (ie all, which is the default, or del, sub, or none). If you want to set HOSTS but don't know the authInfo, use an empty quoted string (ie "") as AUTHINFO.

For contact objects, PARAMS can be the contact's authInfo.

Transform Commands

  • create domain PARAMS - create a domain object. See "Creating Domain Objects" for more information.

  • create host PARAMS - create a host object. See "Creating Host Objects" for more information.

  • clone TYPE OLD NEW - clone a domain or contact object OLD into a new object identified by NEW. TYPE is one of domain or contact.

  • update TYPE OBJECT CHANGES - update an object. TYPE is one of domain, host, or contact. See "Object Updates" for further information.

  • renew DOMAIN PERIOD [EXDATE] - renew a domain (1 year by default). If you do not provide the EXDATE argument, pepper will perform an <info> command to get it from the server.

  • transfer PARAMS - object transfer management See "Object Transfers" for more information.

  • delete TYPE OBJECT - delete an object. TYPE is one of domain, host, or contact.

  • restore DOMAIN - submit an RGP restore request for a domain.

Miscellaneous Commands

  • send FILE - send the contents of FILE as an EPP command.

  • BEGIN - begin inputting a frame to send to the server, end with "END".

  • edit - Invoke $EDITOR and send the resulting file.

Claims and fee Checks

Pepper provides limited support for the the Launch and Fee extensions:

Claims Check

The following command will extend the standard <check> command to perform a claims check as per Section 3.1.1. of draft-ietf-eppext-launchphase.

pepper> check claims

Fee Check

The following command will extend the standard <check> command to perform a fee check as per Section 3.1.1. of draft-brown-epp-fees-02.

pepper> check fee COMMAND [CURRENCY [PERIOD]]

COMMAND must be one of: create, renew, transfer, or restore. CURRENCY is OPTIONAL but if provided, must be a three-character currency code. PERIOD is also OPTIONAL but if provided, must be an integer between 1 and 99.

Creating Objects

Creating Domain Objects

There are two ways of creating a domain:

clone domain OLD NEW

This command creates the domain NEW using the same contacts and nameservers as OLD.

create domain DOMAIN PARAMS

This command creates a domain according to the parameters specified after the domain. PARAMS consists of pairs of name and (optionally quoted) value pairs as follows:

  • period - the registration period. Defaults to 1 year.

  • registrant - the registrant.

  • admin - the admin contact.

  • tech - the tech contact.

  • billing - the billing contact.

  • ns - add a nameserver.

  • authinfo - authInfo code. A random string will be used if not provided.


pepper (id@host)> create domain period 1 registrant sh8013 admin sh8013 tech sh8013 billing sh8013 ns ns

Creating Host Objects


create host HOSTNAME [IP [IP [IP [...]]]]

Create a host object with the specified HOSTNAME. IP address may also be specified: IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are automatically detected.

Creating Contact Objects

There are two ways of creating a contact:

clone contact OLD NEW

This command creates the contact NEW using the same data as OLD.

create contact PARAMS

This command creates a contact object according to the parameters specified. PARAMS consists of pairs of name and (optionally quoted) value pairs as follows:

  • id - contact ID. If not provided, a random 16-charater ID will be generated

  • type - specify the "type" attribute for the postal address information. Only one type is supported. Possible values are "int" (default) and "loc".

  • name - contact name

  • org - contact organisation

  • street - street address, may be provided multiple times

  • city - city

  • sp - state/province

  • pc - postcode

  • cc - ISO-3166-alpha2 country code

  • voice - E164 voice number

  • fax - E164 fax number

  • email - email address

  • authinfo - authInfo code. A random string will be used if not provided.


pepper (id@host)> create contact id "sh8013" name "John Doe" org "Example Inc." type int street "123 Example Dr." city Dulles sp VA pc 20166-6503 cc US voice +1.7035555555 email

Object Updates

Objects may be updated using the update command.

Domain Updates

update domain DOMAIN CHANGES

The CHANGES argument consists of groups of three values: an action (ie add, rem or chg), followed by a property name (e.g. ns, a contact type (such as admin, tech or billing) or status), followed by a value.


update domain add ns

update domain rem ns

update domain add status clientUpdateProhibited

update domain rem status clientHold

update domain add admin H12345

update domain rem tech H54321

update domain chg registrant H54321

update domain chg authinfo foo2bar

Multiple changes can be combined in a single command:

update domain add status clientUpdateProhibited rem ns chg registrant H54321

Host Updates



The CHANGES argument consists of groups of three values: an action (ie add, rem or chg), followed by a property name (ie addr, status or name), followed by a value (which may be quoted).


update host add status clientUpdateProhibited

update host rem addr

update host chg name

Multiple changes can be combined in a single command:

update host add status clientUpdateProhibited rem addr add addr 1::1 chg name

Contact Updates

Not currently implemented.

Object Transfers

Object transfers may be managed with the transfer command. Usage:



  • TYPE - domain or contact

  • OBJECT - domain name or contact ID

  • CMD - one of (request, query, approve, reject, or cancel)

  • AUTHINFO - authInfo code (used with request only)

  • PERIOD - additional validity period (used with domain request only)


If you prefix a command with a ! character, then Pepper will end the session if an EPP command fails (that is, if the result code of the response is 2000 or higher).

This is mostly useful in scripting mode where you may want the script to terminate if an error occurs.

Example usage:

!create domain authinfo foo2bar
update domain add ns

In the above example, Pepper will end the session if the first command fails, since there is no point in running the second command if the first has failed.


To install, run:

cpanm --sudo App::pepper

If Term::ReadLine::Gnu is available, then Pepper can provide a richer interactive command line, with support for history and rich command editing.


The git repository contains a Dockerfile that can be used to build an image on your local system.

Alternatively, you can pull the image from Docker Hub:

$ docker pull gbxyz/pepper

$ docker run -it gbxyz/pepper --help


Copyright 2014 - 2023 CentralNic Group plc.

This program is Free Software; you can use it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.