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App::PM::Announce - Announce your PM meeting via Meetup and LinkedIn


Version 0.025


    # Initialize and edit the config (only need to do this once)
    pm-announce config edit
    # Generate a template for the event
    pm-announce template > event.txt

    # Edit event.txt with your editor of choice...

    # Announce the event
    pm-announce announce < event.txt


App::PM::Announce is a tool for creating and advertising PM meetings (on Meetup, LinkedIn, and blog software)

            -v, -d,  --verbose  Debugging mode. Be verbose when reporting
            -h, -?,  --help     This help screen

        config              Check the config file ($HOME/.app-pm-announce/config)

        config edit             Edit the config file using $EDITOR

        history                 Show announcement history

        history <query>         Show announcement history for event <query>, where <query> should be enough of the uuid to be unambiguous

        template                Print out a template to be used for input to the 'announce' command

            --image <image>     Attach <image> (can be either a local file or remote URL) to the Meetup event

        announce                Read STDIN for the event information and make a post for each feed

            -n, --dry-run       Don't actually login and announce, just show what would be done

        test                    Post a bogus event to a test meetup account, test linkedin account, and test greymatter account

        help                    This help screen


Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-app-pm-announce at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc App::PM::Announce

You can also look for information at:



Copyright 2009 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.