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Apache::Voodoo::Pager - Provides generic pagination controls


This module generates all the necessary 'next', 'previous' and page number links typically found on any search engine results page. This module can be used in any scenario where data must be paginated.

my $pager = Apache::Voodoo::Pager->new(
    'count'   => 25,
    'window'  => 10,
    'limit'   => 500,
    'persist' => [ 'url_param', ... ]

    'count'   => 40,
    'window'  => 10,
    'limit'   => 500,
    'persist' => [ 'url_param', ... ]

my $template_params = $pager->paginate($all_url_params,$number_of_rows_in_results);



Number of items per page


Number of page numbers to appear at once. window => 10 would yield links for page numbers 1 -> 10


Maximum number of rows in the result that can be displayed at once. In other words if limit is set to 100 and the result set contains 101 items, then the 'Show all' link will be disabled.


List of url parameters that should appear in every link generated by this module. search parameters, sort options, etc, etc.



returns a hashref suitable for passing to HTML::Template using the example template below. The entire set of url paramaters is required so that Apache::Voodoo::Pager can get access to it's own parameters as well as those listed in the persist => [] configuration parameter.

Apache::Voodoo::Pager uses two internal paramaters, 'page' and 'showall' to keep track of internal state. page is the page number of the currently displayed result set (1 origin indexed) and showall is set to 1 when the entire result set is being displayed at once. These values can be used by the caller to determine how to properly cut the result set.


use Apache::Voodoo::Pager;

sub init {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{'pager'} = Apache::Voodoo::Pager->new(
        'count'  => 10,
        'window' => 5,
        'limit'  => 100,
        'perisist' => [ 'value' ]

sub list {
    my $self = shift;
    my $p    = shift;

    my $params = $p->{'params'};
    my $dbh    = $p->{'dbh'};

    my $value   = $params->{'value'};
    my $count   = $params->{'count'}   || 10;
    my $page    = $params->{'page'}    || 1;
    my $showall = $params->{'showall'} || 0;

    # Parameter validation and other security checks omitted for brevity

    my $stmt = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS col1,col2,col3 FROM some_table WHERE col1 = ?";
    unless ($showall) {
        $stmt .= " LIMIT $count OFFSET ". $count * ($page-1);

    my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($stmt,undef,$value);
    my $matches = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");

    my $template_stuff = $self->{'pager'}->paginate($params,$matches->[0]->[0]);

    # other stuff this method does


<tmpl_loop PAGES>
    <tmpl_if NOT_ME>
        <a href="?<tmpl_var URL_PARAMS>"><tmpl_var PAGE></a>
        <tmpl_var PAGE>

    <tmpl_if NOT_LAST>|</tmpl_if>

<tmpl_if more_url_params>
    | <a href="?<tmpl_var MORE_URL_PARAMS>">More...</a>

<tmpl_if has_more>
    <tmpl_if HAS_PREVIOUS>
        <a href="?<tmpl_var PREVIOUS_URL_PARAMS>">Previous</a> |
    <tmpl_if HAS_NEXT>
        <a href="?<tmpl_var NEXT_URL_PARAMS>">Next</a> |

    <tmpl_if MODE_PARAMS>
        <a href="?<tmpl_var MODE_PARAMS>">
            <tmpl_if SHOW_ALL>Show Page
            <tmpl_else>Show All

Page <tmpl_var PAGE_NUMBER> of <tmpl_var NUMBER_PAGES>