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Apache::Admin::Config - A module to read/write Apache like configuration files


use Apache::Admin::Config;

# Parse an apache configuration file

my $conf = new Apache::Admin::Config "/path/to/config_file.conf"
    or die $Apache::Admin::Config::ERROR;

my $directive = $conf->directive('documentroot');

print $directive->name;   # "documentroot"
print $directive->value;  # "/my/document/root"
print $directive->type;   # "directive"

$directive->isin($conf);  # true


# print the directive list

    print $_->name, "\n";

# print the virtualhost list

print $_->section('servername')->value(), "\n"
  foreach $conf->section(-name => "virtualhost");

# add a directive in all virtualhosts

foreach($conf->section(-name => "virtualhost"))
    $_->add_directive(php_admin_value => 'open_basedir "/path"');

# Deleting all "AddType" directives

$_->delete for $conf->directive("AddType");

# saving changes in place



Apache::Admin::Config provides an object oriented interface for reading and writing Apache-like configuration files without affecting comments, indentation, or truncated lines.

You can easily extract informations from the apache configuration, or manage htaccess files.

I wrote this class because I work for an IPP, and we often manipulate apache configuration files for adding new clients, activate some features or un/locking directories using htaccess, etc. It can also be useful for writing some one-shoot migrations scripts in few lines.



$obj = new Apache::Admin::Config [/path/to/file|handle],
  [-indent => $integer], ['-create'], ['-no-comment-grouping'],

Create or read, if given in argument, an apache like configuration file, and return an Apache::Admin::Config instence.



Path to the configuration file to parse. If none given, create a new one.


Instead of specify a path to a file, you can give a reference to an handle that point to an already openned file. You can do this like this :

my $obj = new Apache::Admin::Config (\*MYHANDLE);
-indent => $integer

If greater than 0, activates the indentation on added lines, the integer tell how many spaces you went per level of indentation (suggest 4). A negative value means padding with tabulation(s).


If present and path to an unexisting file is given, don't return an error.


When there are several successive comment-lines, if comment grouping is enabled only one comment item is created.

If present, disable comment grouping at parsing time. Enabled by default.


Same as comment grouping but for blank lines.


$obj->save(['/path/to/file'|HANDLE], ['-reformat'])

Write modifications to the configuration file. If a path to a file is given, save the modification to this file instead. You also can give a reference to a filehandle like this :

$conf->save(\*MYHANDLE) or die($conf->error());

Note: If you invoke save() on an object instantiated with a filehandle, you should emptied it before. Keep in mind that the constructor don't seek the FH to the begin neither before nor after reading it.



Returns the configuration file as same as it will be if it was saved in a file with the save() method. If you don't call this method from the top level section, it returns the part of the configuration file that is under the object's context.



Same as dump_raw(), but reformat each line. Usefull used with -indent constructor parameter.


@result = $obj->select
    [-type  => $type],
    [-name  => $name],
    [-value => $value],
    [-which => $index],

@directives    = $obj->select('directive');
@sections_foo  = $obj->select('section', 'Foo');

This method search in the current context for items (directives, sections, comments...) that correspond to a properties given by arguments. It returns a list of matched nods.

This method can only be called on an object of type "section". This method search only for elements in the section pointed by object, and isn't recursive. So elements in sub-sections of current section aren's seek (it's not a bug).



Selects item(s) of type type.


Selects item(s) with name name.


Selects item(s) with value value.


Instead of returning a list of items, returns only a single one pointed by index given to the -which option. Caution, returns an empty string if none selected, so don't cascade your methodes calls like $obj->select(-which=>0)->name. Index starts at 0.

Method returns a list of item(s) founds. Each items is an Apache::Admin::Config object with same methods but pointing to a different part of the tree.


@directives = $obj->directive(args...)

Same as calling select('directive', args...)


@sections = $obj->section(args...)

Same as calling select('section', args...)


@comments = $obj->comment(args...)

Same as calling select('comment', args...)


@blanks = $obj->blank(args...)

Same as calling select('blank', args...)



Replace the directive writing engine by you own code. Code is call for adding new directives, or when you tell Apache::Admin::Config to reformat the whole configuration file. See save() and dump_reformat() methods for more details.

Your handler receives 3 arguments : $self, $name and $value. You can call the indent() method to get the number of spaces to put before the current line (see indent() methods for more details)

    my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
    return $self->indent . "$name $value\n";



Same as set_write_directive() but for section.

Your handler receives 3 arguments: $self, $name and $value. You can call the indent() method to get the number of spaces to put before the current line (see indent() methods for more details)

    my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
    return $self->indent . "<$name $value>\n";



Same as set_write_directive() but for end of sections.

Your handler receives 2 arguments: $self and $name. You can call the indent() method to get the number of spaces to put before the current line (see indent() methods for more details)

    my($self, $name) = @_;
    return $self->indent . "</$name>\n";



Same as set_write_directive() but for comments.

Your handler receives 2 arguments: $self and $value. You can call the indent() method to get the number of spaces to put before the current line (see indent() methods for more details)

    my($self, $value) = @_;
    # handle comment grouping
    $value =~ s/\n/\n# /g;
    return $self->indent . join('#', split(/\n/, $value));



Same as set_write_directive() but for blank lines.

Your handler receives 2 arguments: $self and $number.

    my($self, $number) = @_;
    return $number x "\n";


$item = $obj->add
    $type|$item, [$name], [$value],
    [-before => $target | -after => $target | '-ontop' | '-onbottom']

$item = $obj->add('section', foo => 'bar', -after => $conf_item_object);
$item = $obj->add('comment', 'a simple comment', '-ontop');

Add a line of type $type with name foo and value bar in the context pointed by $object.



Type of object to add (directive, section, comment or blank).


Only relevant for directives and sections.


For directive and section, it defines the value, for comments it defined the text.

-before => target

Inserts item one line before target. target _have_ to be in the same context

-after => target

Inserts item one line after target. target _have_ to be in the same context


Insert item on the fist line of current context;


Iinsert item on the last line of current context;

Returns the added item


$section = $obj->add_section($name, $value)

Same as calling add('section', $name, $value)


$directive = $obj->add_directive($name, $value)

Same as calling add('directive', $name, $value)


$comment = $obj->add_comment("string", [$group])

Same as calling add('comment', 'string', )

$group is a boolean value that control grouping of consecutive comment lines. Disabled by default.


$blank = $obj->add_blank([$group])

Same as calling add('blank')

$group is a boolean value that control grouping of consecutive blank lines. Enabled by default.



Change the value of a directive or section. If no argument given, return the value.


Returns the value of item pointed by the object if any.

(Actually value and set_value are the same method)


    -before => target |
    -after => $target |
    '-ontop' |

Move item into given section. See add() method for options description.


    -before => target |
    -after => $target |
    '-ontop' |

Copy item into given section. See add() method for options description.


$clone = $item->clone();

Clone item and all its children. Returns the cloned item.





$boolean = $obj->($section_obj, ['-recursif'])

Returns true if object point to a rule that is in the section represented by $section_obj. If -recursif option is present, true is also return if object is a sub-section of target.

<section target>
    <sub section>
        directive test

$test_directive->isin($target_section)              => return false
$test_directive->isin($sub_section)                 => return true
$test_directive->isin($target_section, '-recursif') => return true
$target_section->isin($target_section)              => return true


Returns the name of the current pointed object if any


Returns the parent context of object. This method on the top level object returns undef.


Returns the type of object.


Synonym for unlink (deprecated). See unlink().

$boolean = $item->unlink();

Unlinks item from the tree, resulting in two separate trees. The item to unlink becomes the root of a new tree.


$boolean = $item->destroy();

Destroy item and its children. Caution, you should call delete() method instead if you want destroy a part of a tree. This method don't notice item's parents of its death.


$booleen = $item->delete;

Remove the current item from it's parent children list and destroy it and all its children (remove() + destroy()).


Return the last appended error.


# Reindent configuration file properly

my $conf = Apache::Admin::Config
   -indent => 2


# Managing virtual-hosts:

my $conf = new Apache::Admin::Config "/etc/apache/httpd.conf";

# adding a new virtual-host:
my $vhost = $conf->add_section(VirtualHost=>'');
my $location = $vhost->add_section(Location=>'/admin');
$location->add_directive(Require=>'group admin');

# selecting a virtual-host:
my $vhost;
foreach my $vh (@{$conf->section('VirtualHost')})
    if($vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq 'www.localhost.localdomain')
        $vhost = $vh;

# Suppress all comments in the file

sub delete_comments

sub delete_all_comments


# Transform configuration file into XML format

my $c = new Apache::Admin::Config "/path/to/file", -indent => 2
  or die $Apache::Admin::Config::ERROR;

$c->set_write_directive(sub {
    my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
    return($self->indent.qq(<directive name="$name" value="$value />\n));
$c->set_write_section(sub {
    my($self, $name, $value) = @_;
    return($self->indent.qq(<section name="$name" value="$value">\n));
$c->set_write_section_closing(sub {
    my($self, $name) = @_;
$c->set_write_comment(sub {
    my($self, $value) = @_;
    $value =~ s/\n//g;
    return($self->indent."<!-- $value -->");
print $c->dump_reformat();


Olivier Poitrey <>


The official FTP location is:

Also available on CPAN.

anonymous CVS repository:

CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d co Apache-Admin-Config

(supply an empty string as password)

CVS repository on the web:


Please send bug-reports to You can subscribe to the list by sending an empty mail to


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


Copyright (C) 2001 - Olivier Poitrey