Apache2::AuthenNIS - mod_perl2 NIS Authentication module
Version 0.14
<Directory /foo/bar>
# This is the standard authentication stuff
AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenNIS
# Set if you want to allow an alternate method of authentication
PerlSetVar AllowAlternateAuth yes | no
# Standard require stuff, NIS users or groups, and
# "valid-user" all work OK
require user username1 username2 ...
require valid-user
# The following is actually only needed when authorizing
# against NIS groups. This is a separate module.
PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthzNIS
These directives can also be used in the <Location> directive or in
an .htaccess file.
This perl module is designed to work with mod_perl2 and the Net::NIS module by Rik Haris ( Version 0.13 of Apache::AuthenNIS was renamed and modified to use mod_perl2. That module was a direct adaptation of Michael Parker's ( Apache::AuthenSmb module.
The module uses Net::NIS::yp_match to retrieve the "passwd" entry from the passwd.byname map, using the supplied username as the search key. It then uses crypt() to verify that the supplied password matches the retrieved hashed password.
- PerlSetVar AllowAlternateAuth
This attribute allows you to set an alternative method of authentication (Basically, this allows you to mix authentication methods, if you don't have all users in the NIS database). It does this by returning a DECLINE and checking for the next handler, which could be another authentication, such as Apache-AuthenNTLM or basic authentication.
- handler
This is the mod_perl2 handler function.
To install this module, run the following commands:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Demetrios E. Paneras, <dep at>
Ported to mod_perl by Shannon Eric Peevey, <speeves at>
Ported to mod_perl2 by Nguon Hao Ching, <hao at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-apache2-authennis at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Apache2::AuthenNIS
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Copyright (c) 1998 Demetrios E. Paneras, MIT Media Laboratory.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.