Aion::Spirit - functions for controlling the program execution process
use Aion::Spirit;
package A {
sub x_1() { 1 }
sub x_2() { 2 }
sub y_1($) { 1+shift }
sub y_2($) { 2+shift }
aroundsub "A", qr/_2$/, sub { shift->(@_[1..$#_]) + .03 };
A::x_1 # -> 1
# Perl cached subroutines with prototype "()" in main:: as constant. aroundsub should be applied in a BEGIN block to avoid this:
A::x_2 # -> 2
(\&A::x_2)->() # -> 2.03
# Functions with parameters not cached:
A::y_1 .5 # -> 1.5
A::y_2 .5 # -> 2.53
A Perl program consists of packages, globals, subroutines, lists, and scalars. That is, it is simply data that, unlike a C program, can be “changed on the fly.”
Thus, this module provides convenient functions for transforming all these entities, as well as maintaining their integrity.
aroundsub ($pkg, $re, $around)
Wraps the functions in the package in the specified regular sequence.
The package may not be specified for the current:
package N;
use Aion::Spirit qw/aroundsub/;
use constant z_2 => 10;
aroundsub qr/_2$/, sub { shift->(@_[1..$#_]) + .03 };
sub x_1() { 1 }
sub x_2() { 2 }
sub y_1($) { 1+shift }
sub y_2($) { 2+shift }
use lib ".";
use N;
N::x_1 # -> 1
N::x_2 # -> 2.03
N::y_1 0.5 # -> 1.5
N::y_2 0.5 # -> 2.53
wrapsub ($sub, $around)
Wraps a function in the specified.
sub sum(@) { my $x = 0; $x += $_ for @_; $x }
*avg = wrapsub \&sum, sub { my $x = shift; $x->(@_) / @_ };
avg 1,2,5 # -> (1+2+5) / 3
Sub::Util::subname \&avg # => main::sum__AROUND
ASSERT ($ok, $message)
This is assert. This is checker scalar by nullable.
my $ok = 0;
ASSERT $ok == 0, "Ok";
eval { ASSERT $ok, "Ok not equal 0!" }; $@ # ~> Ok not equal 0!
my $ten = 11;
eval { ASSERT $ten == 10, sub { "Ten maybe 10, but ten = $ten!" } }; $@ # ~> Ten maybe 10, but ten = 11!
firstidx (&sub, @list)
Searches the list for the first match and returns the index of the found element.
firstidx { /3/ } 1,2,3 # -> 2
firstidx { /4/ } 1,2,3 # -> undef
Yaroslav O. Kosmina
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
⚖ GPLv3
The Aion::Spirit module is copyright © 2023 Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.