Advanced::Config::Examples - Defines sample config files supported by this module. Sourcing this module in does nothing for you.


In many cases it's just easier to show an example instead of trying to put things into words. So this module is just some POD text to document what this module is expecting to load into memory as your config file.

Just be aware that it's possible to override many of the operators defined in the config file. So for example the = operator could be := and the # operator could have been CMT:.


This module started out as a parser of unix shell script data files so that shell scripts and perl programs could share the same config files. Hence the support of shell script variables, quotes and the sourcing in of sub-files. Allowing for limited logic in your config files.

From there it just grew to support non-unix features such as windows batch files and more generic configuation features. Such as being able handle various formating of config files and the ability to obscure or encrypt values from casual snooping. Or the addition of sections to allow the same config file to be used on multiple servers and OS.

So today it's a powerfull tool that turns your config files into objects your perl code can reference and manipulate.


If you surround a value with balanced quotes, those quotes are automatically removed before that value is assigned to it's tag. Quotes are supported mostly for readability and as a way to allow comment symbols in your value. Or a way to force leading and trailing spaces to your value. Where without quotes those spaces are stripped off.


All config files support variable substitution. A variable can be any tag that appears above it in the config file. If not defined there, it will check if it's defined as an environment variable in the %ENV hash instead. If still not found it will check for several predefined special variables for this module. If it can't find a variable it's value is always the empty string.

By default variables are in the format of ${...}. Where ... is your variable's name and the ${ & } strings are the default surrounding anchors that define it as a variable.

For more on this see the following link on Parameter Expansion: This module supports most of the parameter expansions listed in the link except for those dealing with arrays. Other modifier rules may be added upon request.

Things get a bit more complex evaluating variables if you've defined sections in your config file.

See the POD for lookup_one_variable() in Advanced::Config for step by step instructions on expanding a variable's name.

For a list of special variables try calling: Advanced::Config->print_special_vars();


It's possible to source multiple config files together as if they were one big config file. You can either use absolute paths to each config file, or more likely relative paths.

Sourcing in sub-config files using relative paths works a little different than you might expect. It's the relative path from the location of the config file doing the sourcing, not the current directory your program is running in.

This way the writer of the config file, not the programmer, controls which config file gets sourced in. Of course the config file writer can give control back to the programmer by using variables as part of the name of the config file being sourced in.

If recursion is detected, this module silently refuses to reload the problem config file and breaks the recursion. But you have the option of treating it as a fatal error instead. Recursion is detected even if you source in a symbolic link back to the original file.

It is always a fatal error if the requested config file doesn't exist!


See The Read Options section of Advanced::Config::Options for what options are available for customizing how your configuration files gets parsed.

While The Get Options section covers options for looking up the value for a given tag generated.


This module has hooks to allow the encryption/decryption of values in your config file. It can do it in two levels. Simple obscuring of the tag's value or true encryption/decryption. See Advanced::Config::Options for more details on how to do this.


# This is a comment

tag1 = abc       # A simple assignment.

# The balanced quotes will automatically be removed from the value ...
   tag2="efg"    # See we put surrounding quotes arround the value.

tag3 = 'l m n'   # The alternate quotes.

tag4 = p q r     # See quotes are completely optional.

tag5 = ${tag1}   # Performs variable substitution, same as: tag5 = "abc".

tag1     =     xyz  # See I've overriden tag1's original value to "xyz".
TAG1 = 123       # tag1 is still xyz, tags are case sensitive.

To load it into memory do:

my $cfg = Advanced::config->new ("simple.cfg")->load_config();
# Merge in this config file.  Looks in the same directory as
# this config file is in.  Not the program's current directory.
. simple.cfg

# Sourcing in another config file.  (contents not shown)
# Offset is from the same directory this config file is in.
# Not the program's current directory!
. ../Alt-Config/relative.cfg

# See I'm referencing variables defined in simple.cfg!
tag1 = ${tag1} ${tag3} ${tag1}   # tag1 now equals: "xyz l m n xyz".

tag 6 = abc = 7     # "tag 6" now contains:  "abc = 7".
tag 6 = ${TAG1}     # "tag 6" is now:  123

messy = "I have a # in my value"  # See comment symbol in the value.

# A neat little trick ...
# Implements:  a = $ENV{test} ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
a = ${test:+TRUE}   # Set to TRUE if $ENV{test} is set, else undef
a = ${a:-FALSE}     # Set to FALSE if ${a} is undef, else set to ${a}.

# Does variables within variables ...
# Implements:  b = $ENV{test} ? $y : $z;
y = YES
z = NO
b = ${test:+${y}}   # Set to ${y} if $ENV{test} is set, else undef
b = ${b:-${z}}      # Set to ${z} if ${b} is undef, else set to ${b}.

# So (a,b) = (TRUE,YES) or (FALSE,NO).

# How about testing for a specific value for $ENV{test}?  This can be
# done in a limited way.
message_abc = I know my abc's.
message_123 = I know my 123's
message_hello = Hello World!
msg = ${message_${test}:-Unknown Message.}

# So if test is "abc", "123" or "hello" it will use the appropriate
# value for tag msg.  Otherwise it will be "Unknown Message.".

# This shows that you can put some logic in your config files so that
# your config files can be shared across platforms without having
# to have multiple versions of that config file or add complex platform
# specific logic into your perl code.

To load it into memory do:

my $cfg = Advanced::config->new ("complex.cfg")->load_config();
abc = lmn     # Has no section, so considered in section "main".
user = me
pwd = nope!

[ host 1 ]
abc = xyz
pwd = password1

[host 2]
pwd = password2

[ HOST 3 ]
abc = 123
pwd = password3

[ HOST 2 ]
efg = repeat    # Section "host 2" has 3 tags in it.  "abc", "efg" & "pwd".

[ Host 4 ]
user = you

Please note that section names are case insensitive and the tag abc's value depends on what section of the config file you are currently looking at. This way you may repeat tags between sections and know that each section is independant of each other. As if each section was in it's own config file.

Or you can interpret each section as overrides to tags in the main section using the inherit option. Where if a tag isn't defined in the current section, it then looks in the main section for it. Say you're on host 1 and you want to log into your application. You need both a user & pwd pair to do this. When you look up the pwd, you find it in host 1, but when you try to look up the user, it can't find it in the current section, so it looks in the main section for it instead. In effect all 4 sections have all variables from main included in each section. With the local tags overriding what's in main. A neet way to handle minor differences that would otherwise require you to have multiple config files you'd need to keep in sync.

To load it into memory do:

my $cfg = Advanced::config->new ("section.cfg")->load_config();
my $cfg = Advanced::config->new ("section.cfg", {inherit => 1})->load_config();

By default, when sourcing in another config file it's default section is also called "main". This is true even when you are sourcing in a file inside a named section block. That name isn't inherited by default.

And if that config file also uses sections, those section names are preserved.

But sometimes you'd like to source in a sub-file as if any tag appearing outside a section was defined in the original file's current section. In that case follow the file name with the appropriate label. Which by default is DEFAULT.

. simple.cfg   # All variables appear in the main section.

[ section 1 ]
. simple.cfg   # All varibles appear in the main section as well.

[ section 2 ]
. simple.cfg   # DEFAULT - all varibles from this config file will apear as members of "section 2".

[ section 3 ]
. section.cfg  # DEFAULT - tags abc, user & pwd are now in 'section 3', while everything else stays in it's defined section.

To load it into memory do:

my $cfg = Advanced::config->new ("src_sect.cfg")->load_config();

Sometimes you want to look at a config file owned by another product that doesn't follow the formatting expected by this module by default. So this module allows you a way to provide new rules for parsing a config file to make these differences irrelevant.

Lets assume this config file used ";", not "#" as the comment char, "::", not "=" as it's assignment operator, and finally used "include", not "." when sourcing in another config file. So you'd get something like the following:

; This is a comment ...
include  product-2.cfg

abc :: xyz      ; Tag "abc" now equals "xyz"!

The possibilities are practically endless! You can even write your own wrapper config file and use the "source_cb" callback option to redefine the parsing rules for a particular config file being sourced in if the parsing rules are different!

In fact, one of the test cases does just this! (t/30-alt_symbols_cfg.t)

To load it into memory do:

my $cfg = Advanced::config->new ("product-1.cfg",
                { "assign => "::", "comment" => ";", "source" => "include" }

Sometimes you need to protect sensitive information inside your config files. Such as the user names and passwords that your application requires to run. This module allows this at the individual tag/value pair level. Not at the file level!

The 1st example shows tags whose values are pending the encryption process. While the 2nd example shows what happens after it's been encrypted. You can have config files that have both pending and encrypted tags in it. As well as tags whose values are never encrypted. It is controlled by having the appropriate label in the comment after the tag/value pair.

# Waiting to encrypt these values ...
my_username_1 = "anonymous"                   # ENCRYPT
my_password_1 = "This is too much fun!"       # ENCRYPT me ...

# They've already been encypted!
my_username_2 = '4aka54D3eZ4aea5'             # DECRYPT
my_password_2 = '^M^Mn1\pmeaq>n\q?Z[x537z3A'  # DECRYPT me ...

# This value will never be encrytped/decrypted ...
dummy = "Just some strange value that is always in clear text."

The encrypted value is automatically decrypted for you when the config file is loaded into memory. So it's already in clear text when get_value() is called. See Advanced::Config::Options for more details on the options used to control the encrypt/decrypt process. See encrypt_config_file() in Advanced::Config for how to encrypt the contents of the config file itself.

You can use decrypt_config_file() to reverse the process if needed.


I could go on and on with many more examples. I'll add more in the future as I consider more significant issues to cover. In the mean time you can find many more examples from the build under: t/config/*.cfg


Copyright (c) 2015 - 2025 Curtis Leach. All rights reserved.

This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Advanced::Config::Options - Covers the options that allow you to modify how a config file gets parsed. It defines the controls allowing the various examples shown above.

Advanced::Config::Date - Handles date parsing for get_date().

Advanced::Config::Reader - Handles the parsing of the config file per the options defined above.

Advanced::Config - Defines the configuration object that you wish to manipulate.