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Activator::Emailer - Send emails from anywhere within a project in the same way using role-based configuration.


Configure defaults with Activator::Registry configuration (See CONFIGURATION), then:

  use Activator::Emailer;
  my $tt_vars = { data => 'any data your template needs',
                  other_data => $my_data,
  my $mailer = Activator::Emailer->new(
     To          => '',
     Cc          => ','
     Subject     => 'Test Subject',
  $mailer->send( $tt_vars );

Reuse the mailer object to send another mail to someone else using a different body template, plus an attachment:

  $mailer->set_cc( '' );
  $mailer->set_to( '' );
  $mailer->set_html_body( '/path/to/' );
  $tt_vars = $my_alternate_data_hashref;
  $mailer->attach( Type        => 'application/pdf',
                   Path        => 'path/to/doc.pdf',
                   Filename    => 'doc.pdf',
                   Disposition => 'attachment' );
  $mailer->send( $tt_vars );


Activator::Emailer is a simple wrapper to Mime::Lite, Template::Toolkit and Email::Send that uses your project's Activator::Registry to facilitate easy sending of multipart text/html email from any module in your project. Emailer can talk to any MTAs that Email::Send can.

Full Example

  use Activator::Emailer;
  my $tt_vars = { data => $my_data,
                  other_data => 'any data your template needs'
  my $mailer = Activator::Emailer->new(
     From        => '',
     To          => '',
     Cc          => ','
     Subject     => 'Test Subject',
     html_header => '/path/to/',
     html_body   => '/path/to/',
     html_footer => '/path/to/',
     email_wrap  => '/path/to/email/wrapper/template',
     mailer_type => 'Gmail',
     mailer_args => [ username => '',
                      password => '123456'
  $mailer->attach( Type        => 'application/pdf',
                   Path        => 'path/to/doc.pdf',
                   Filename    => 'invoice.pdf',
                   Disposition => 'attachment'
  $mailer->send( $tt_vars );

The next section shows how to simplify this.


As is seen in the previous section, a lot of information is needed to send an email. Fortunately, most of the information is reusable. You can utilize Activator::Registry to simplify creation of emails:

      mailer_type: Gmail     # any of the send methods Email::Send supports
      mailer_args:           # any of the args required by your Email::Send::<TYPE>
        - username: <username>
        - password: <password>
      html_header: /fully/qualified/path/to/header/tt/template
      html_footer: relative/path/to/footer/tt/template
      html_body:   relative/path/to/body/tt/template
      email_wrap:  /path/to/email/wrapper/template
        INCLUDE_PATH: /path/to/tt/templates

In the simplist case, you can now send as such:

  my $mailer = Activator::Emailer->new(
     To          => '',
     Subject     => 'Test Subject',
  $mailer->send( { data => $my_data } );


You must create 4 template for emails to work. Each template has a variable Activator_Emailer_format available so you can do HTML or text specific template blocks. Note that it is suggested that you utilize the TT chomping close tag (-%]) to maintain format.

File 1: html_header

This is the most basic header, but you can add as much HTML as you like, including limited style and script tags:


File 2: html_body

Put whatever html you like in this section.

 <p>This is only an example</p>
 [% IF Activator_Emailer_format == 'text' -%]
 [% ELSE -%]
 [% END -%]

This is the most basic footer, but you can add as much HTML as you like:


File 4:

Copy this verbatim, trim the leading space:

  [% USE HTML.Strip -%]
  [% BLOCK html_header -%]
  [% INCLUDE html_header %]
  [% END -%]
  [% BLOCK html_footer %]
  [% INCLUDE html_footer %]
  [% END -%]
  [% BLOCK body -%]
  [% INCLUDE html_body %]
  [% END -%]
  [% IF format == 'text' -%]
  [% FILTER html_strip emit_spaces = 0 -%]
  [% INCLUDE body %]
  [% END -%]
  [% ELSE -%]
  [% INCLUDE html_header -%]
  [% INCLUDE body %]
  [% INCLUDE html_footer -%]
  [% END -%]

Note that you can put the files anywhere. See CONFIGURATION for more details.


new( %args )

Create an Activator::Emailer object. Valid %args are described below.

  • The following are sent directly to MIME::Lite, and likewise injected directly into the mail header ( hence the capitalization )

     * From - A single email address
     * To - A single email address
     * Subject - A string
     * Cc - A string consisting of a comma separated list of email addresses
  • The following are used for sending with Email::Send:

     * mailer_type - Any valid Email::Send subclass
     * mailer_args - Any args to pass to the <mailer_type> class
  • The following are used with Template::Toolkit

     * tt_include_path - The INCLUDE_PATH for template toolkit. Useful
                         for reusing project templates within an email
  • The following are custom to Activator::Emailer:

     * html_header - A template file or string to use for the top of the
                     HTML portion of the email
     * html_footer - A template file or string to use for the bottom of
                     the HTML portion of the email
     * html_body   - A template file or string to use for the html portion.
                     of the email Also, this will be stripped of all HTML
                     tags ( using HTML::Strip ) and used for the body of
                     the text portion of the email.

send( $tt_vars )

Send the email using $tt_vars for the Template::Toolkit process method.

attach( %args )

Attach an item to this email. When send() is called, %args is just passed through to the MIME::Lite attach function.

valid_email ( $email )

Sanity check on the email address. Throws exception on failure.


Each value that can be passed to new() can be modified by calling set_<VALUE>, where value is lowercased.

See Also

Activator::Registry, Activator::Exception, MIME::Lite, Email::Send, Template::Toolkit, Exception::Class::TryCatch, Class::StrongSingleton


Karim A. Nassar ( )


The Activator::Emailer module is Copyright (c) 2007 Karim A. Nassar.

You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, or as specified in the Perl README file.