Acpi::Battery - A class to get informations about your battery.


use Acpi::Battery;

$battery = Acpi::Battery->new;

if($battery->batteryOnLine == 0){

print "Battery online\n";

print $battery->getCharge."\n"; 

print "Time remaining ".$batteyr->getHoursLeft.":".$battery->getMinutesLeft."\n";



print "Battery offline\n";



Acpi::Battery is used to have information about your battery.It's specific for GNU/Linux


This sections contains only the methods in itself.

  • new();

    Contructor for the class

  • getBatteryInfo();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the information find in /proc/acpi/battery/BATX/info.

    Takes 1 arg :


    The information that you would find !!

  • getBatteryState();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the information find in /proc/acpi/battery/BATX/state.

    Takes 1 arg :


    The information that you would find !!

  • batteryOnLine();

    Return 0 if the battery is online else -1.

  • nbBattery();

    Return the number of battery present.

  • getCharge();

    Return the pourcentage of the battery.

  • getHoursLeft();

    Return the hours left behind the battery will be down.

  • getMinutesLeft();

    Return the minutes left behind the battery will be down.

  • getLastFull();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the last full capacity.

  • getLastFullTotal();

    Return the last full capacity of all batteries.

  • getPresent();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and 0 or -1 if it's present or not.

  • getDesignCapacity();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the design capacity.

  • getBatteryTechnology();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the technology.

  • getBatteryType();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the type.

  • getOEMInfo();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and the oem info.

  • getChargingState();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and 0 or -1 if it's charging or not.

  • getCapacityState();

    Return a hash composed by the name of the battery and 0 or -1 if if the capacity state is ok or not.

  • getRemainingTotal();

    Return the remaining capacity of all batteries.

  • getPresentRateTotal();

    Return the present rate of all batteries.

  • getPresentVoltageTotal();

    Return the present voltage of all batteries.


  • Developed by Shy <>.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 439:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'