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ASP4 - Fast, Simple and Scalable Web Development for Perl [DEPRECATED]


ASP4 has been deprecated as of 2012-05-07.


ASP4 is a modern web development platform for Perl with a focus on speed, simplicity and scalability.


ASP4 brings our old friends $Request, $Response, $Server and $Session back from the 1990's, but adds some new ever-present objects as well. Together the ASP objects provide a consistent interface to the incoming request, outgoing response, server environment and configuration in-use by the application itself.


This is a simple hash reference which contains the names and values of the incoming request parameters for both GET and POST requests.

For example, the following request...


...produces the following $Form object:

  $VAR1 = {
    name  => 'joe',
    color => 'red'

Access form data just like any other hashref:

  Hello, <%= $Form->{name} %>, I see your favorite color is <%= $Form->{color} %>.


The $Server object offers a few utility methods that don't really fit anywhere else.

$Server->HTMLEncode( $string )

Given a string like <br/> returns a string like &lt;br/&gt;

$Server->HTMLDecode( $string )

Given a string like &lt;br/&gt; returns a string like <br/>

$Server->URLEncode( $string )

Given a string like returns a string like

$Server->URLDecode( $string )

Given a string like returns a string like

$Server->MapPath( $path )

Given a $path of /foo.asp would return something like /var/www/

$Server->Mail( %args )

Sends an email via Mail::Sendmail. In fact it simply calls the sendmail(...) function provided by Mail::Sendmail.

Simple Example:

    from    => '',
    to      => '',
    subject => 'Hello, world!',
    message => 'this is a test message'

To send an HTML email do the following:

  use MIME::Base64;
    from                        => '',
    to                          => '',
    subject                     => 'Hello, world!',
    'content-type'              => 'text/html',
    'content-transfer-encoding' => 'base64',
    message => encode_base64(<<"HTML")
    <p>This is an html email.</p>
    <p>You can see that <b>this text is bold</b>.</p>

Please see Mail::Sendmail for further details and examples.

$Server->RegisterCleanup( sub { ... }, \@args )

After the final response has been sent to the client, the server will execute your subref and provide it the \@args passed in.

This is useful for long-running or asynchronous processes that don't require the client to wait for a response.


An instance of ASP4::Request, the $Request object contains specialized methods for dealing with whatever the browser sent us.


$Request->Cookies( $name )

  my $cookie = $Request->Cookies("some-cookie-name");

$Request->FileUpload( $field_name )

  if( my $file = $Request->FileUpload('avatar_pic') ) {
    # Handle the uploaded file:
    $file->SaveAs( "/var/media/$Session->{user_id}/avatar/" . $file->FileName );

See also the ASP4::FileUpload documentation.


An instance of ASP4::Response, the $Response object gives shortcuts for dealing with the outgoing reply from the server back to the client.


$Response->Write( $string )

The following example prints the string Hello, World! to the browser:

  $Response->Write("Hello, World!");

Or, within an ASP script, <%= "Hello, World" %>

$Response->Redirect( $url )

  $Response->Redirect( "/new/url/?foo=bar" );

$Response->SetCookie( %args )

Setting cookies works as follows:

    name  => "cookie-name",
    value => "the-value",
    # The rest of these arguments are optional:
    # Expires: (If you don't specify the "expires" argument, the cookie will
    # be deleted when the browser is closed.
    expires => "3D",  # 3 days
    expires => "3H",  # or 3 hours
    expires => "3M",  # or 3 minutes
    # Domain: (defaults to $ENV{HTTP_HOST})
    domain  => "",    # works for *
    domain  => "", # will ONLY work for
    # Path:
    path    => "/some/folder/"    # will ONLY work within /some/folder/ on your website

$Response->Include( $path, %args )

ASP4's $Response object offers 3 different include methods.

  <!-- Normal SSI-style Include -->
  <!-- #include virtual="/includes/page.asp" -->

If you want to supply arguments to the included ASP script you can use $Response->Include($path, \%args)

  # Add the output of C</includes/page.asp> to the current output buffer:
  my %args = ( foo => "bar" );
  $Response->Include( $Server->MapPath("/includes/page.asp"), \%args );

\%args is optional.

Within the included ASP script, \%args is accessible like this:

    my ($self, $context, $args) = @_;

$Response->TrapInclude( $path, %args )

Or if you need to capture the result of executing an ASP script and use it within a variable, use $Response->TrapInclude($path, \%args)

  # Capture the output of C</includes/page.asp>:
  my %args = ( foo => "bar" );
  my $html = $Response->TrapInclude( $Server->MapPath("/includes/page.asp"), \%args );

\%args is optional.

Within the included ASP script, \%args is accessible like this:

    my ($self, $context, $args) = @_;


The $Session object is an instance of a subclass of ASP4::SessionStateManager (depending on your website's configuration).

The $Session object is a simple blessed hashref and should be used like a hashref.


Set a session variable

  $Session->{foo} = "bar";

  $Session->{thing} = {
    banana  => "yellow",
    cherry  => "red",
    peach   => "pink,

Get a session variable

  my $foo = $Session->{foo};


Called automatically at the end of every successful request, causes any changes to the $Session to be saved to the database.


Call $Session->reset() to clear all the data out of the session and save it to the database.


The ASP4 $Config object is stored in a simple JSON format on disk, and accessible everywhere within your entire ASP4 application as the global $Config object.

If ever you find yourself in a place without a $Config object, you can get one like this:

  use ASP4::ConfigLoader;
  my $Config = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load();

See ASP4::Config for full details on the ASP4 $Config object and its usage.


The $Stash is a simple hashref that is guaranteed to be the exact same hashref throughout the entire lifetime of a request.

Anything placed within the $Stash at the very beginning of processing a request - such as in a RequestFilter - will still be there at the very end of the request - as in a RegisterCleanup handler.

Use the $Stash as a great place to store a piece of data for the duration of a single request.


While ASP4 does not require its users to choose any specific database (eg: MySQL or PostgreSQL) or ORM (object-relational mapper) the recommended ORM is Class::DBI::Lite since it has been completely and thoroughly tested to be 100% compatible with ASP4.

For full documentation about Class::DBI::Lite please view its documentation.

NOTE: Class::DBI::Lite must be installed in addition to ASP4 as it is a separate library.

ASP4 QuickStart

Here is an example project to get things going.

In the data_connections.main section of conf/asp4-config.json you should have something like this:

    "main": {
      "dsn":              "",
      "username":         "db-username",
      "password":         "db-pAsswOrd"

Suppose you had the following tables in your database:

  create table users (
    user_id     bigint unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
    email       varchar(200) not null,
    password    char(32) not null,
    created_on  timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
  ) engine=innodb charset=utf8;
  create table messages (
    message_id    bigint unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
    from_user_id  bigint unsigned not null,
    to_user_id    bigint unsigned not null,
    subject       varchar(100) not null,
    body          text,
    created_on    timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
    foreign key fk_messages_to_senders (from_user_id) references users (user_id) on delete cascade,
    foreign key fk_messages_to_recipients (to_user_id) references users (user_id) on delete cascade
  ) engine=innodb charset=utf8;

NOTE: It's best to assign every ASP4 application its own namespace. For this example the namespace is App::db::

Create the file lib/App::db/ and add the following lines:

  package App::db::model;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'Class::DBI::Lite::mysql';
  use ASP4::ConfigLoader;
  # Get our configuration object:
  my $Config = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load();
  # Get our main database connection info:
  my $conn = $Config->data_connections->main;
  # Setup our database connection:
  1;# return true:

Add the following Class::DBI::Lite entity classes:


  package App::db::user;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'App::db::model';
  use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
  use ASP4::ConfigLoader;
    messages_in =>
      'App::db::message'  =>
    messages_out  =>
      'App::db::message'  =>
  # Hash the password before storing it in the database:
  __PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_create => sub {
    my ($self) = @_;
    # Sign the password instead of storing it as plaintext:
    unless( $self->{password} =~ m{^([a-f0-9]{32})$}i ) {
      $self->{password} = $self->hash_password( $self->password );
  # Hash the new password before storing it in the database:
  __PACKAGE__->add_trigger( before_update_password => sub {
    my ($self, $old, $new) = @_;
    unless( $new =~ m{^([a-f0-9]{32})$}i ) {
      $self->{password} = $self->hash_password( $new );
  # Verify an email/password combination and return the user if a match is found:
  sub check_credentials {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my ($result) = $self->search(
      email     => $args{email},
      password  => $self->hash_password( $args{password} ),
    $result ? return $result : return;
  # Convert a password string into its hashed value:
  sub hash_password {
    my ($self, $str) = @_;
    my $key = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load->system->settings->signing_key;
    return md5_hex( $str . $key );
  1;# return true:


  package App::db::message;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'App::db::model';
    sender  =>
      'App::db::user' =>
    recipient =>
      'App::db::user' =>
  1;# return true:

Create your MasterPage like this:

File: htdocs/masters/global.asp

  <%@ MasterPage %>
  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="meta_title"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></title>
      <meta charset="utf-8" />
      <h1><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="headline"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></h1>
      <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="main_content"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>

File: htdocs/index.asp

  <%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/global.asp" %>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="meta_title">Register</asp:Content>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="headline">Register</asp:Content>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="main_content">
    # Sticky forms work like this:
    if( my $args = $Session->{__lastArgs} ) {
      map { $Form->{$_} = $args->{$_} } keys %$args;
    # Our validation errors:
    my $errors = $Session->{validation_errors} || { };
    $::err = sub {
      my $field = shift;
      my $error = $errors->{$field} or return;
      %><span class="field_error"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $error ) %></span><%
  <form id="register_form" method="post" action="/handlers/myapp.register">
      <input type="text" name="email" value="<%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $Form->{email} ) %>" />
      <% $::err->("email"); %>
      <input type="password" name="password" />
      <% $::err->("password"); %>
      <label>Confirm Password:</label>
      <input type="password" name="password2" />
      <% $::err->("password2"); %>
      <input type="submit" value="Register Now" />

The form submits to the URL /handlers/app.register which means handlers/app/

File: handlers/app/

  package app::register;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'ASP4::FormHandler';
  use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS; # Import $Response, $Form, $Session, etc
  use App::db::user;
  sub run {
    my ($self, $context) = @_;
    # If there is an error, return the user to the registration page:
    if( my $errors = $self->validate() ) {
      $Session->{validation_errors} = $errors;
      $Session->{__lastArgs} = $Form;
      return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );
    # Create the user:
    my $user = eval {
      App::db::user->do_transaction(sub {
        return App::db::user->create(
          email     => $Form->{email},
          password  => $Form->{password},
    if( $@ ) {
      # There was an error:
      $Session->{validation_errors} = {email => "Server error.  Sorry!"};
      $Session->{__lastArgs} = $Form;
      return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );
    else {
      # No error - Sign them in:
      $Session->{user_id} = $user->id;
      $Session->{msg} = "Thank you for registering!";
      # Redirect to /profile.asp:
    return $Response->Redirect("/profile.asp");
    }# end if()
  sub validate {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $errors = { };
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    # email:
    if( length($Form->{email}) ) {
      # Basic email validation:
      unless( $Form->{email} =~ m{[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+} ) {
        $errors->{email} = "Invalid email address";
    else {
      $errors->{email} = "Required";
    # password:
    unless( length($Form->{password} ) {
      $errors->{password} = "Required";
    # password2:
    if( length($Form->{password2}) ) {
      if( length($Form->{password}) ) {
        unless( $Form->{password} eq $Form->{password2} ) {
          $errors->{password2} = "Passwords don't match";
    else {
      $errors->{password2} = "Required";
    # Bail out of we already have errors:
    return $errors if keys %$errors;
    # See if the user already exists:
    if( App::db::user->count_search( email => $Form->{email} ) ) {
      $errors->{email} = "Already in use";
    # Errors or not?:
    keys %$errors ? return $errors : return;
  1;# return true:

File: htdocs/profile.asp

  <%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/global.asp" %>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="meta_title">My Profile</asp:Content>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="headline">My Profile</asp:Content>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="main_content">
    if( my $msg = $Session->{msg} ) {
    <div class="message"><%= $msg %></div>
    }# end if()
    # Get our $user:
    use App::db::user;
    my $user = App::db::user->retrieve( $Session->{user_id} );
  <div style="float: left; width: 40%; border-right: solid 1px #000;">
    <h3>Incoming Messages</h3>
    foreach my $msg ( $user->messages_in(undef, { order_by => "created_on ASC"} ) ) {
    <div class="msg">
      <span class="from"><%= $msg->sender->email %></span> says:<br/>
      <div class="body"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $msg->body ) %></div>
      <span class="date"><%= $msg->created_on %></span>
    }# end foreach()
  <div style="float: right; width: 40%; border: dotted 1px #000;">
    <h3>Send New Message</h3>
    <form id="send_form" method="post" action="/handlers/app.send">
        <select name="to_user_id">
    my @users = App::db::user->search_where({
      user_id => {'!=' => $user->id }
    }, {
      order_by => "email"
    foreach my $user ( @users ) {
          <option value="<%= $user->id %>"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $user->email ) %></option>
    }# end foreach()
        <input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="100" />
        <textarea name="body"></textarea>
        <input type="submit" value="Send Message" />

The form submits to /handlers/app.send which maps to handlers/app/

File: handlers/app/

  package app::send;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'ASP4::FormHandler';
  use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS;
  use App::db::user;
  use App::db::message;
  sub run {
    my ($self, $context) = @_;
    # Create the message:
    my $msg = eval {
      App::db::message->do_transaction(sub {
        my $msg = App::db::message->create(
          from_user_id  => $Session->{user_id},
          to_user_id    => $Form->{to_user_id},
          subject       => $Form->{subject},
          body          => $Form->{body},
        # Send an email to the recipient:
          from        => 'root@localhost',
          'reply-to'  => $msg->sender->email,
          to          => $msg->recipient->email,
          subject     => 'New in-club message',
          message     => <<"MSG",
    Dear user,
    Another user (@{[ $msg->sender->email ]}) has sent you an in-club message.
    Please login and view it on your profile at http://$ENV{HTTP_HOST}/
    The "In Club"
        # Finally:
        return $msg;
    if( $@ ) {
      $Session->{msg} = "Error: Your message could not be sent.";
      return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );
    else {
      $Session->{msg} = "New message sent successfully.";
      return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );


It's possible that some bugs have found their way into this release.

Use RT to submit bug reports.


Please visit the ASP4 homepage at to see examples of ASP4 in action.


John Drago <>


This software is Free software and may be used and redistributed under the same terms as perl itself.