AI::FANN::Evolving::TrainData - wrapper class for FANN data
- new
Constructor takes named arguments. By default, ignores column named ID and considers column named CLASS as classifier.
- ignore_columns
Getter/setter for column names to ignore in the train data structure. For example: an identifier columns named 'ID'
- dependent_columns
Getter/setter for column name(s) of the output value(s).
- predictor_columns
Getter for column name(s) of input value(s)
- predictor_data
Getter for rows of input values
- dependent_data
Getter for dependent (classifier) data
- read_data
Reads provided input file
- write_data
Writes to provided output file
- trim_data
Trims sparse rows with missing values
- sample_data
Sample a fraction of the data
- partition_data
Creates two clones that partition the data according to the provided ratio.
- size
Returns the number of data records
- to_fann
Packs data into an AI::FANN TrainData structure