Package helper to compute an IBAN key, generate and format an IBAN from a BBAN and the country code.

to_digit $bban=$_

Converts alpha characters into digit, following IBAN rules: replaces each alpha character with 2 digits A = 10, B = 11, ..., Z = 35.

$bban A string to convert into the IBAN digit representation.

returns a string representation of the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN), which contains only digits.

compute_key $country_code, $bban

Computes the key corresponding to a given International Bank Account Number (IBAN) when

$country_code A string representation of the country code converted into IBAN  digits.
$bban A string representation of the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN)
    with its key part and converted into IBAN digits. 

returns the IBAN key computed.

get_IBAN $country_code, $bban

Computes and returns the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) corresponding to the given country code and Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). where

$country_code is the country code (i.e. "FR" for France, "DE" for Germany, etc.).
$bban is the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN).

returns a string representation of the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) with the key part. The returned IBAN can contains alpha and digit characters.

format_with_spaces $iban

Formats the IBAN provided and separate each 4 digit with a space.

$iban an IBAN

returns the IBAN separated each 4 digit with a space.