XS::Framework::Manual::SVAPI::Hash - XS::Framework Hash C++ class reference
The Hash
class is the wrapper around Perls HV*
type, which is a variant of SV*
. As with Sv
, it might hold an underlying Perl hash HV*
or might not.
static Hash noinc (SV* val)
static Hash noinc (HV* val)
Hash (std::nullptr_t = nullptr)
Hash (SV* sv, bool policy = INCREMENT)
Hash (HV* sv, bool policy = INCREMENT)
The new Hash
is created, and it either takes ownership on the underlying SV*
with corresponding refcounting policy, or just empty wrapper is created, which holds no value. On invalid SV*
, e.g. pointer to Arrray, an exception will be thrown. The valid SV*
should be either HV*
or reference to HV*
or undef
Please, note, that empty Hash
means that it holds no value (aka NULL), it is not the same, when it holds underlying empty HV* with zero items.
static Hash create()
static Hash create (size_t cap)
It is possible to create new Hash
with empty underlying HV*
, optionally reserving space for cap
items (SV*).
It is possible to create Hash object in-place via itializer list, which should contain name (string
) / value (Scalar
) pairs, i.e.:
static Hash create (std::initializer_list<std::tuple<panda::string_view, Scalar>> l)
Hash (std::initializer_list<std::tuple<panda::string_view, Scalar>>)
For example,
auto h = Hash::create({
{"key-int", Simple(1)},
{"key-string", Simple("val2")},
The copy and move constructors are also available:
Hash (const Hash& oth)
Hash (Hash&& oth)
Hash (const Sv& oth)
Hash (Sv&& oth)
assignment operators
Hash& operator= (SV* val)
Hash& operator= (HV* val)
Hash& operator= (const Hash& oth)
Hash& operator= (Hash&& oth)
Hash& operator= (const Sv& oth)
Hash& operator= (Sv&& oth)
The assignment operators are complementaty to the constructors above. They inherit behaviour from Sv
, including NULL-safety. The previously held SV*
will be dec
The last operator performs proxy call in scalar context, the same as in appropriate constructor above.
void set (SV* val)
The set
method directly assigns the value to the underlying SV*
, bypassing all checks. Use the method with caution.
There are zero-cost NULL-safe getters:
operator HV* () const
HV* operator-> () const
template <typename T = SV> one_of_t<T,SV,HV>* get ()
For example,
Hash hash = ...;
HV* hv = hash.get<HV>();
element access
Scalar fetch (const panda::string_view& key) const
Scalar at (const panda::string_view& key) const
Scalar operator[] (const panda::string_view& key) const
KeyProxy operator[] (const panda::string_view& key)
The first three methods return Scalar
type. fetch
provides bounary-safe access to the elements, if the index is out of bounds, then empty Scalar
is returned and underlying HV*
is kept untouched. The at
method also checks key existance, and if it is not found, then an exception will be thrown (similar to std::map::at()
). The operator[]
is an alias for fetch
. The non-const acccessor is needed to allow in-place fast modification and lazy creation of underlying element, i.e.
Hash hash = ...;
hash["key"] = Simple(10);
, at
and operator[] const
are NULL-safe; while mofifying operator[]
is NULL-unsafe.
void store (const panda::string_view& key, const Scalar& val, U32 hash = 0)
void store (const panda::string_view& key, std::nullptr_t, U32 hash = 0)
void store (const panda::string_view& key, SV* v, U32 hash = 0)
void store (const panda::string_view& key, const Sv& v, U32 hash = 0)
The store
method is used store item in the hash. If underlyging Perl array HV* is NULL, then store
will throw exception. The hash
parameter is the precomputed hash value; if it is zero then Perl will compute it.
To check element existance, the NULL-safe exist
method (or it's alias contains
) can be used:
bool exists (const panda::string_view& key) const
bool contains (const panda::string_view& key) const
To delete arbitrary element by key the NULL-unsafe erase
method can be used (the previous value, if existed, is returned; empty Scalar
is returned otherwise).
Scalar erase (const panda::string_view& key)
void clear ()
Frees all items in the underlying HV*
array. This is NULL-safe method.
void undef()
Frees all items in the underlying HV*
hash; the hash container HV*
itself remains alive. This is NULL-safe method.
U32 push_on_stack (SV** sp) const
This method copies all hash items into perl stack SV**
It returns the count of copied items. The method takes care of all needed mechanis, e.g. sv_2mortal
and increasing refcounter of the items.
This is NULL-unsafe method.
size_t size () const
Returns size of underlying hash, i.e. number of used keys. If it is NULL, then 0
is returned. In other words, this method is NULL-safe.
size_t capacity () const
Returns capacity of underlying hash. If it is NULL, then 0
is returned. In other words, this method is NULL-safe.
void reserve (size_t newsz)
Increases the capacity of the container. This is NULL-unsafe method.
provides iterator and const-iterator random-access accessors for it's content:
const_iterator cbegin () const
const_iterator cend () const
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
This methods are NULL-safe. As usually, when underlying array is modified, the used iterators become invalid, and should not used any longer.
Usage example:
Hash hash = ...;
for (auto it = hash.begin(); it != hash.end(); ++it) {
panda::string_view key = it->key();
Scalar value = it->value();
U32 key_hash = it->hash();