korgwm - a tiling window manager written in Perl


Manages X11 windows in a tiling manner and supports all the stuff KorG needs. Built on top of XCB, AnyEvent, and Gtk3. It is not reparenting for purpose, so borders are rendered by X11 itself. There are no any command-line parameters, (almost) nor any environment variables. The only way to start it is: just to execute korgwm when no any other WM is running. Please see bundled if you are interested in details.


There are several things which affects korgwm behaviour. Firstly, it has pretty good config defaults. Then it reads several files during startup and merges the configuration. Note that it merges configs pretty silly. So it is recommended to completely specify rules or hotkeys if you want to change their parts. The files are being read in such an order: /etc/korgwm/korgwm.conf, $HOME/.korgwmrc, $HOME/.config/korgwm/korgwm.conf.

Please see bundled korgwm.conf.sample to get the full listing of available configuration parameters.


As it is written entirely in pure Perl, the installation is pretty straightforward:

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

Although it has number of dependencies which in turn rely on C libraries. To make installation process smooth and nice you probably want to install them in advance. For Debian GNU/Linux these should be sufficient:

build-essential libcairo-dev libgirepository1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev xcb-proto

And these for Archlinux:

base-devel cairo glib2 gobject-introspection gtk3 libgirepository xcb-proto


Copyright (c) 2023--2025 Sergei Zhmylev <<gt>

MIT License. Full text is in LICENSE.