Win32::GuiTest::Cmd - Perl Batch File Enhancer. Part of Win32::GuiTest.
use Win32::GuiTest::Cmd ':ASK';
Pause("Press ENTER to start the setup...");
if YesOrNo("Setup networking component?");
$address = AskForIt("What's your new ip address?",
$dir = AskForDir("Where should I put the new files?",
copy_files($dir) if $dir;
$exe = AskForExe("Where is your net setup program?",
system($exe) if YesOrNo("Want me to run the net setup?");
Instead of writing batch files (although on NT they are almost usable), I've resorted more and more to writing Perl scripts for common sysadmin/build/test chores. This module makes that kind of thing easier.
Other modules I've found useful for that kind of work:
use Win32::NetAdmin;
use Win32::NetResource;
use Win32::ODBC;
use Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Path 'mkpath';
use Getopt::Std 'getopts';
Console interaction functions heavily based on the command-line installer for the libwin32 distribution written by Gurusamy Sarathy.
- Pause([$message])
Shows a message and waits until the user presses ENTER.
- YesOrDie([$message])
Asks for a [y/n] response using the message you specify. The program dies if you answer 'n'.
- YesOrNo([$msg])
Asks for a [y/n] response using the message you specify. Returns 1 if you type 'y' or 0 otherwise.
- AskForIt([$question],[$def_value])
Asks the user to input a value and returns it. If you omit $question a default question will be used. If you omit $def_value, false will be used as default return value.
- IsExe($filename)
Checks if a file is executable.
- AskForExe([$question],[$def_exe])
Just like AskForIt, but returns false if the value is not an executable file.
- AskForDir([$question],[$def_dir])
Just like AskForIt, but returns false if the value is not a directory.
- AskAndRun([$question],[$def_exe])
Asks for an exe file an runs it using
System Configuration
Mostly allow opening Win32 Control Panel Applets programatically.
- RunCpl($applet)
Opens a Control Panel Applet (.cpl) by name.
- Modem, Network, Console, Accessibility, AppWizard, Pcmcia, Regional, Joystick, Mouse, Multimedia, Odbc, Ports, Server, System, Telephony, DateTime, Ups, Internet, Display, FindFast, Exchange, 3ComPace
Each of them opens the corresponding Control Panel Applet.
- Ras
Installs or configures the RAS (Remote Access Service) component.
- Users
Runs the User/Group Manager application.
Manipulate the registry.
- RegisterCom($path)
Uses regsvr32.exe to register a COM server.
- UnregisterCom($path)
Uses regsvr32.exe to unregister a COM server.
- AddToRegistry($regfile)
Uses regedit.exe to merge a .reg file into the system registry.
Sorry about that...
- WhichExe($file)
Takes a command name guesses which executable file gets executed if you invoke the command.
WhichExe("regedit") -> C:\WINNT\regedit.exe WhichExe("regsvr32") -> D:\bin\regsvr32.exe WhichExe("ls") -> D:\Usr\Cygnus\B19\H-i386-cygwin32\bin\ls.exe
Based on original code grabbed from CPAN::FirstTime.
Added support for NT file extension associations:
WhichExe("") -> perl D:\SCRIPTS\ %* WhichExe("") -> D:\gstools\gsview\gsview32.exe D:\TMP\
- TempFileName
Returns the full path for a temporary file that will not collide with an existing file.
Ernesto Guisado <>, <>