The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.17 - 2024-06-21

  • Add Czech translation of texts.
  • Fix tests for Wikibase::Datatype::Print.
  • Remove defaults from Print, not needed.
  • Rewrite all default settings to Utils::defaults().
  • Rewrite to use of translations.
  • Update copyright years.


Wikibase datatype print helpers.
Wikibase form pretty print helpers.
Wikibase item pretty print helpers.
Wikibase lexeme pretty print helpers.
Wikibase mediainfo pretty print helpers.
Wikibase mediainfo snak pretty print helpers.
Wikibase mediainfo statement pretty print helpers.
Wikibase property pretty print helpers.
Wikibase reference pretty print helpers.
Wikibase sense pretty print helpers.
Wikibase sitelink pretty print helpers.
Wikibase snak pretty print helpers.
Wikibase statement pretty print helpers.
Wikibase pretty print helper utils.
Wikibase value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase globe coordinate value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase item value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase lexeme value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase monolingual value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase property value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase quantity value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase sense value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase string value pretty print helpers.
Wikibase time value pretty print helpers.
