Weather::Astro7Timer - Simple client for the Weather Forecast service


use Weather::Astro7Timer;

my $w7t = Weather::Astro7Timer->new();

# Get ASTRO weather for the Stonehenge area

my %report = $w7t->get(
    product => 'astro',    # Forecast type (astro, civil, civillight, meteo)
    lat     => 51.2,       # Latitude
    lon     => -1.8,       # Longitude

# Dumping the result would give you:
%report = {
    'product'    => 'astro',
    'init'       => '2023032606',
    'dataseries' => [{
            'temp2m'  => 6,
            'wind10m' => {
                'speed'     => 2,
                'direction' => 'NE'
            'rh2m'         => 13,
            'seeing'       => 3,
            'timepoint'    => 3,
            'lifted_index' => 2,
            'prec_type'    => 'none',
            'cloudcover'   => 9,
            'transparency' => 6

# You can get a png image instead...

my $data = $w7t->get(
    product => 'civil',
    lat     => 51.2,
    lon     => -1.8,
    output  => 'png'

# ... and write it out to a file
open(my $fh, '>', "civil.png") or die $!; print $fh $data; close($fh);


Weather::Astro7Timer provides basic access to the Weather Forecast API. 7Timer is a service based on NOAA's GFS and provides various types of forecast products. It is mostly known for its ASTRO product intended for astronomers and stargazers, as it provides an astronomical seeing and transparency forecast.

Please see the official API documentation and GitHub Wiki for details.

The module was made to serve the apps Xasteria and Polar Scope Align, but if your service requires some extra functionality, feel free to contact the author about it.



  my $w7t = Weather::Astro7Timer->new(
      scheme  => $http_scheme?,
      timeout => $timeout_sec?,
      agent   => $user_agent_string?,
      ua      => $lwp_ua?,
      error   => $die_or_return?

Optional parameters:

  • scheme : You can specify http. Default: https.

  • timeout : Timeout for requests in secs. Default: 30.

  • agent : Customize the user agent string.

  • ua : Pass your own LWP::UserAgent to customise further (overrides agent).

  • error : Pass 'die' to die on error. Default is 'return'.



my $report = $w7t->get(
    product => $product,   # Forecast type (astro, civil, civillight, meteo, two)
    lat     => $lat,       # Latitude
    lon     => $lon,       # Longitude
    output  => $format?,   # Output format (default json)
    unit    => $unit?,     # Units (default metric)
    lang    => $language?, # Language (default en)
    tzshift => $tz_shift?, # Timezone shift from UTC (hours, default 0)
    ac      => $alt_cor?,  # Altitude correction (default 0)

my %report = $w7t->get( ... );

Fetches a forecast report for the requested for the requested location. Returns a string containing the JSON or XML data, except in array context, in which case, as a convenience, it will use JSON or XML::Simple to decode it directly to a Perl hash (in the case of png output, the hash will containing a single key data with the png data). For an explanation to the returned data, refer to the official API documentation.

If the request is not successful, it will die throwing the HTTP::Response->status_line.

Required parameters:

  • lat : Latitude (-90 to 90). South is negative.

  • lon : Longitude (-180 to 180). West is negative.

  • product : Choose from the available forecast products:

    • astro : ASTRO 3-day forecast for astronomy/stargazing with 3h step (includes astronomical seeing, transparency).

    • civil : CIVIL 8-day forecast that provides a weather type enum (see docs for equivalent icons) with 3h step.

    • civillight : CIVIL Light simplified per-day forecast for next week.

    • meteo : A detailed meteorological forecast including relative humidity and wind profile from 950hPa to 200hPa.

    • two : A two week overview forecast (may be unmaintained).

Optional parameters (see the API documentation for further details):

  • lang : Default is en, also supports zh-CN or zh-TW.

  • unit : metric (default) or british units.

  • output : Output format, supports json (default), xml or png.

  • tzshift : Timezone offset in hours (-23 to 23).

  • ac : Altitude correction (e.g. temp) for high peaks. Default 0, accepts 2 or 7 (in km). Only for astro product.


my $response = $w7t->get_response(
    lat     => $lat,
    lon     => $lon,
    product => $product

Same as get except it returns the full HTTP::Response from the API (so you can handle bad requests yourself).



my @products = Weather::Astro7Timer::products();

Returns the supported forecast products.



my $timestamp = Weather::Astro7Timer::init_to_ts($report{init});

Returns a unix timestamp from the init date. For the subsequent entries of the timeseries you can add timepoint * 3600 to the timestamp.


The parent class Weather::API::Base contains some useful functions:

use Weather::API::Base qw(:all);

# Get time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format, local time zone
my $datetime = ts_to_date(time());

# Convert 30 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit
my $result = convert_units('C', 'F', 30);

See the doc for that module for more details.


A quick listing of Perl modules for current weather and forecasts from various sources:


OpenWeatherMap uses various weather sources combined with their own ML and offers a couple of free endpoints (the v2.5 current weather and 5d/3h forecast) with generous request limits. Their newer One Call 3.0 API also offers some free usage (1000 calls/day) and the cost is per call above that. If you want access to history APIs, extended hourly forecasts etc, there are monthly subscriptions. Weather::OWM is from the same author as this module and similar in use.


An alternative source for multi-source forecasts is Apple's WeatherKit (based on the old Dark Sky weather API). It offers 500k calls/day for free, but requires a paid Apple developer account. You can use Weather::WeatherKit, which is very similar to this module (same author).


The Norwegian Meteorological Institute offers the free service (no registration needed), which can be accessed via Weather::YR. I am not affiliated with that module.


Dimitrios Kechagias, <dkechag at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests either on GitHub (preferred), or on RT (via the email bug-weather-astro7timer at or web interface).

I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.



This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Dimitrios Kechagias.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.