Changes for version 0.20
- For simplification of maintenance, merged all ThreatNet modules excluding the original design document into one big distribution.
- Updated test and Makefile.PL to current style
- Added a loader
- Updated to Module::Install 0.75
- Stop the use of auto_install();
Tail threat messages to ThreatNet from log files
Pooled intelligence sharing of realtime hostile internet hosts
Tail threat messages from a file to ThreatNet
Interface for ThreatNet event filters
Create a chain of ThreatNet filters
Filter events within a set of IP ranges
ThreatNet Filter to discard all messages
A Threat Cache implementated as a filter
ThreatNet IRC-specific classes
IRC envelope for ThreatNet::Message objects
An object representation of a ThreatNet channel message
An object representation of a ThreatNet channel topic
in lib/ThreatNet/Message/