Changes for version 0.04
- No functional changes, moving to production release
- Updating to Module::Install::DSL 1.01 (ADAMK)
Changes for version 0.03_02
- Updating to Module::Install::DSL 1.00 (ADAMK)
- Updated copyright year (ADAMK)
- Dramatically reduce the dependency burden, except at release (ADAMK)
- Convenience access to underlying %STANDARD hash (FREQUENCY)
- Added various tests for the new modules added in 0.03_01 (FREQUENCY)
- Fix mistake (pod_coverage_ok -> all_pod_coverage_ok) (FREQUENCY)
- Remove Test::Fixme, it's too much of a pain to test (FREQUENCY)
- Now throws exceptions using Carp's croak rather than die (FREQUENCY)
Changes for version 0.03_01
- Updating Module::Install to 0.91
- Adds several new modules Test::DistManifest Test::CheckChanges Test::Fixme Test::Pod::Coverage
- More documentation on everything
- Add support for RELEASE_TESTING-only modules
Generate best practice release-only tests