Template - A one-line description of the class goes here.
Some example usage of Template goes here ...
use Template;
$obj = MyObject->new;
A paragraph or so describing in more detail what the class is about. It should mention any classes that it inherits from.
Inherited Attributes
- inherited_attribute
Inherited from <some_class>.
Persistent Attributes
- id
A <attribute_type> field used for ...
Non-Persistent Attributes
- temp
A <attribute_type> field used for ...
Public Class Methods
- public_class_method
$return_value = CLASS->public_class_method(\@example_args)
This method takes <something> as input arguments and returns <something else>. It expects <some conditions> to be true when called. This description should explain what the method does and what each input and output argument means and what type it is.
Public Object Methods
- public_object_method
$return_value = $object->public_object_method(\@example_args)
This method takes <something> as input arguments and returns <something else>. It expects <some conditions> to be true when called. This description should explain what the method does and what each input and output argument means and what type it is.
Private Class Methods
- _private_class_method
$return_value = CLASS->_private_class_method(\@example_args)
This method takes <something> as input arguments and returns <something else>. It expects <some conditions> to be true when called. This description should explain what the method does and what each input and output argument means and what type it is. Names of private methods begin with a '_' by convention.
Private Object Methods
- _private_object_method
$return_value = $object->_private_object_method(\@example_args)
This method takes <something> as input arguments and returns <something else>. It expects <some conditions> to be true when called. This description should explain what the method does and what each input and output argument means and what type it is. Names of private methods begin with a '_' by convention.
Copyright (c) 2001-2004 PSERC. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Ray Zimmerman, <>