Net::Shared - Shared variables across processes that are either local or remote.


Share data across local and remote processes.


use Net::Shared;

my $listen = new Net::Shared::Handler;

my $new_shared = new Net::Shared::Local(name=>"new_shared", accept=>['','']);

my $remote_shared = new Net::Shared::Remote (name=>"remote_shared", ref=>"new_shared", port=>$new_shared->port, address=>'');

$listen->add(\$new_shared, \$remote_shared);

$listen->store($new_shared, "One ");

print $listen->retrieve($new_shared);

$listen->store($remote_shared, [qw(and two.)]);

print $listen->retrieve($remote_shared);



Net::Shared gives the ability to share variables across processes both local and remote. Net::Shared::Local and Net::Shared::Remote objects are created and interfaced with a Net::Shared::Handler object. Please see the documentation of the object types below and also see the examples for more info.


Net::Shared itself is just a binding module. Using it will bring in Net::Shared::Local, Net::Shared::Remote, and Net::Shared::Handler.


Net::Shared::Local is the class that is used to store the data. Interfacing directly with Net::Shared::Local objects will almost never need to be done; Net::Shared::Handler's. interface should be sufficient. However, Net::Shared::Local does provide 2 useful methods: lock and port. Lock functions like a file lock, and port returns the port number that the object is listening on. See the methods section below for more details. The constructor to Net::Shared::Local takes 1 argument: a hash. The hash can be configured to provide a number of options:


The name that you will use to refer to the variable; it is the only required option. It can be anything; it does not have to be the same as the variable itself. However, note that if Net::Shared::Remote is going to be used on another process, it will have to know the name of the shared variable to access it.


access is an optional field used to designate which addresses to allow access to the variable. access requires a reference to an array containing the addresses to allow. access will default to localhost if it is not defined.


Specify which port to listen from; however, its probably best to let the OS pick on unless Net::Shared::Remote will be used.


The signal sent to the object that means "send back stored data." Default is '\bl\b'.


Set to a true value to turn on debuging for the object, which makes it spew out all sorts of possibly useful info. Warning: VERY verbose.

As stated earlier, there are also 2 methods that can be called: port and lock.


Returns the port number that the Net::Shared::Local object is listening on.


Works like a file lock; 0=not locked; 1=temp lock used during storage, and 2=complete lock.


Net::Shared::Remote is an alias to accessing data stored by Shared::Local objects on remote machines. Net::Shared::Remote also takes a hash as an argument, similarily to Net::Shared::Local. However, Net::Shared::Remote can take many more elements, and all of which are required (except debug and response).


The name that you will be using to reference this object.


Ref will be the name of the Net::Shared::Local object on the machine that you are accessing. You MUST correctly specify ref (think of it as a "password") or you will be unable to access the data.


The address of the machine where the data that you want to access is located.


The port number where the data is stored on the machine which you are accessing


The signal sent to the object that means "send back stored data." Default is '\bl\b'. Needs to be the same as whatever the associated Net::Shared::Local uses.


Set to a true value to turn on debuging for the object, which makes it spew out all sorts of possibly useful info. Warning: VERY verbose.

There are no methods that you can access with Net::Shared::Remote.


Net::Shared::Handler is the object used to interface with Net::Shared::Local and Net::Shared::Remote objects. You can think of Net::Shared::Handler as the class that actually all of the work: storing the data, retrieving the data, and managing the objects. See method descriptions below for more info on methods. New accepts 1 argument, and when set to a true value debugging is turned on (only for the Handler object, however). Methods:


Adds a list of Net::Shared::Local / Net::Shared::Remote objects so that they can be "managed." Nothing (storing/retrieving/etc) can be done with the objects until they have been added, so don't forget to do it!


Remove effectively kills any objects in @list and all data in them, as well as remove them from the management scheme.

store($object, $data)

Stores the data in $object, whether it be a Net::Shared::Local object or Net::Shared::Remote object. Note that storing data in a remote object is actually just storing in the associated local object. Returns the number of bytes sent.


Grabs the data out of $object, and returns it value, in whatever form it was when stored. That means if a hash is stored, a hash is returned, so remember to access retrieve in whatever context the data is expected in.


Standard janitorial method. Call it at the end of every program in which Net::Shared Net::shared is used.


As of right now, there is no default encryption on the data, so if it is needed, it will have to be used manually. That isn't to say the data is unprotected; there is address and name checking on each end of the transfer. However, during transmission the data might as well be in cleartext if a cracker knows it is sent via Net::Shared.

Data is stored in memory, so one should be careful about storing large structures. Subclassing Net::Shared::Local and redefining the private methods store_data and get_data to write and retrieve from file rather than memory might be a good idea if large amounts of data needs to be stored.



This module needs LOTS of testing on many different platforms. Please email the author if any bugs are found.


It would be nice for the user to be able to pass a subroutine defining an encryption scheme to use, or even to use Crypt::RC5 to automatically encrypt the data if a flag is turned on.

Tied Interface

Because tied interfaces are easy to use...


Joseph F. Ryan,


Copyright (C) 2002 Joseph F. Ryan

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.