The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.



  Usage: mojodctcl [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION]

    # Start a manager
    mojodctcl ./script/my_app
    mojodctcl -m production -l ./
    mojodctcl -P /tmp/ ./

    # Hot deploy a running manager
    mojodctcl -R -P /tmp/ ./

    -G, --graceful-timeout <seconds>     Graceful timeout, defaults to 120.
    -I, --heartbeat-interval <seconds>   Heartbeat interval, defaults to 5
    -H, --heartbeat-timeout <seconds>    Heartbeat timeout, defaults to 50
    -l, --listen <location>              One or more locations you want to listen on,
                                         defaults to "http://*:8080"
    -m, --mode <name>                    Operating mode for your application,
                                         defaults to the value of
                                         MOJO_MODE/PLACK_ENV or "development"
    -P, --pid-file <path>                Path to process id file, defaults to
                                         "" in a temporary directory
    -R, --reload                         Used to hot deploy a running manager
    -w, --workers <number>               Number of workers, defaults to 4
    -h, --help                           Show this summary of available options