Changes for version 1.00 - 2016-12-25

  • Renamed from MarpaX::Languages::Dash V 2.03, because the old name does not convey the real purpose of this module.
  • Remove use of 'use utf8' and 'use open ...', since they are global.
  • Switch from File::Slurp to File::Slurper.


Generate MarpaX::Languages::Dash's html/index.html.
Run MarpaX::Languages::Dash::Parser.
Run MarpaX::Languages::Dash::Renderer.


A Marpa-based parser for the DASH language
A config manager for use by MarpaX::Languages::Dash
Utils used by MarpaX::Languages::Dash
The default rendering engine for MarpaX::Languages::Dash
Utils used by MarpaX::Languages::Dash