append-signature - append signature to mail message


append-signature -plain-file file < >mail.out


This filter adds a signature to the first text/plain, text/enriched or text/html part (or all of them, if they are contained in a multipart/alternative) of the message/rfc822 given on the standard input and emits the result to the standard output.


to provide the signatures

-plain text
-enriched text
-html text

Used to provide the signature to be appended to text/plain, text/enriched respectively text/html parts of e-mails directly on the command line.

-plain-file file
-enriched-file file
-html-file file

Used to provide the signature to be appended to text/plain, text/enriched respectively text/html parts of e-mails via file.

When missing, the text/enriched and text/html versions will be derived from the text/plain signature.

-encoding name

Set the encoding for all following signatures. Default is UTF-8.



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Martin H. Sluka <>