

    The base model for an image.


id string

    The ID for the image

title string

    The title of the image.

description string

    Description of the image.

datetime integer

    Time uploaded, epoch time

type string

    Image MIME type.

animated boolean

    is the image animated

width integer

    The width of the image in pixels

height integer

    The height of the image in pixels

size integer

    The size of the image in bytes

views integer

    The number of image views

bandwidth integer

    Bandwidth consumed by the image in bytes

deletehash string

    OPTIONAL, the deletehash, if you're logged in as the image owner

name string

    OPTIONAL, the original filename, if you're logged in as the image owner

section string

    If the image has been categorized by our backend then this will contain the section the image belongs in. (funny, cats, adviceanimals, wtf, etc)

    The direct link to the the image. (Note: if fetching an animated GIF that was over 20MB in original size, a .gif thumbnail will be returned)

gifv string

    OPTIONAL, The .gifv link. Only available if the image is animated and type is 'image/gif'.

mp4 string

    OPTIONAL, The direct link to the .mp4. Only available if the image is animated and type is 'image/gif'.

mp4_size integer

    OPTIONAL, The Content-Length of the .mp4. Only available if the image is animated and type is 'image/gif'. Note that a zero value (0) is possible if the video has not yet been generated

looping boolean

    OPTIONAL, Whether the image has a looping animation. Only available if the image is animated and type is 'image/gif'.

favorite boolean

    Indicates if the current user favorited the image. Defaults to false if not signed in.

nsfw boolean

    Indicates if the image has been marked as nsfw or not. Defaults to null if information is not available.

vote string

    The current user's vote on the album. null if not signed in, if the user hasn't voted on it, or if not submitted to the gallery.

    True if the image has been submitted to the gallery, false if otherwise.


  "success" : true,
  "status" : 200,
  "data" : {
     "views" : 1,
     "width" : 2559,
     "height" : 1439,
     "animated" : false,
     "size" : 521916,
     "title" : null,
     "link" : "",
     "datetime" : 1341533193,
     "type" : "image/jpeg",
     "id" : "SbBGk",
     "section" : null,
     "description" : null,
     "bandwidth" : 521916,
     "deletehash" : "eYZd3NNJHsbreD1"


2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 17:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 248:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'