NAME - script to assist with testing and using the Flickr::API
SYNOPSIS --config_out=Config-File_to_build [--config_in=file --consumer_key=...]
- --config_in points to the optional input config file to use as a base for the --config_out file you are creating.
- --api_type either flickr for the original, but deprecated, Flickr authentication OR oauth for the OAuth authentication. it defaults to oauth
For Flickr Auth
- --api_key The api key when used with Flickr authentication required for testing --key still works to maintain compatibility with Flickr::API 1.10 and before, but it is saved as api_key.
- --secret The api secret when used with Flickr authentication required for testing --secret still works to maintain compatibility with Flickr::API 1.10 and before, but it is saved as api_secret.
- --frob The frob used in Flickr authentication
- --token The auth token can be either a Flickr or OAuth Access token used with Flickr authentication
For OAuth
- --consumer_key The api key when used with OAuth authentication required for testing
- --consumer_secret The api secret when used with OAuth authentication required for testing
- --callback The callback uri for use in OAuth authentication
- --token_secret The OAuth access token secret
- --help as expected
- --usage
- --man
This script is a lightweight method to assemble the required arguments for using the Flickr::API. It can be used to assemble the configuration(s) needed for the make test portion of installation. It does not use Flickr::API; and sticks to modules from perl core so that it can be used prior to-- and perhaps in conjunction with-- installation and testing of the Flickr::API module.
When you make test, add the environment variable MAKETEST_OAUTH_CFG, MAKETEST_FLICKR_CFG or both; each pointing to the configuration file you specified. The command should look something like:
make test MAKETEST_OAUTH_CFG=/home/myusername/test-flickr-oauth.cfg
make test MAKETEST_FLICKR_CFG=/home/myusername/test-flickrs-auth.cfg
make test MAKETEST_FLICKR_CFG=/home/myusername/test-flickrs-auth.cfg \
Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Louis B. Moore <>
This program is released under the Artistic License 2.0 by The Perl Foundation.
The README in the Flickr::API distribution.