backtrace [options] [count]
Print backtrace of all stack frames, or innermost *count* frames.
With a negative argument, print outermost -count frames.
In the listing produced, an arrow, -->
, indicates the 'current frame'. The current frame determines the context used for many debugger commands such as source-line listing (list
) or the edit
optionss are:
-d | --deparse - show deparsed call position
-s | --source - show source code line
-f | --full - locals of each frame
-h | --help - give this help
backtrace # Print a full stack trace
backtrace 2 # Print only the top two entries
backtrace -1 # Print a stack trace except the initial (least recent) call.
backtrace -s # show source lines in listing
backtrace -d # show deparsed source lines in listing
backtrace -f # show with locals
backtrace -df # show with deparsed calls and locals
backtrace --deparse --full # same as above