cfkctl - control ControlFreak!
cfkctl [options] command [svcref ...]
-y, --yes Run non-interactively without asking for confirmations
-h, --help Help
-m, --man More help
--basedir=<dir> change BASE (for the load command)
[defaults to current directory]
--address=SOCK UNIX or TCP socket to connect to ControlFreak
See ADDRESS FORMAT below for more details
[defaults to unix://$ENV{HOME}.controlfreak/sock]
Service commands: (take a list of service references in arguments)
up Make sure service(s) is(are) up
down Make sure service(s) is(are) down
stop Stop the service(s)s
restart Stop the service(s) (if up), and then start
status Print status(es) of service(s)
pids Print service pid(s)
desc Print a description of the service(s)
destroy Down a service and deletes it
Proxy commands:
proxystatus Print status(es) of proxy(ies)
proxyup <proxy> Up specified proxy
proxydown <proxy> Down specified proxy; down any attached service
Other commands
pid <service> Print the pid of the specified service
list List all services
version Print server's version
shutdown Stop everything, including cfkd
Service references:
all All known services [default]
svcname A string of the name of the service
@tag All services tagged with the tag C<tag>
List of possible status returned:
running all is well
starting should soon be 'running' if all is well
stopping should soon be 'stopped' if all is well
stopped not ever started, downed or completed
fail service terminated abnormally
fatal couldn't start the service
backoff couldn't start, but will try again
Please see SYNOPSIS.
cfkctl is ControlFreak command line interface, it connects to the management port and issues commands to it.
This script is intended to manage the communication with a cfkd instance running on a local or remote host.
## stop everything that is not already stopped
cfkctl down all
## make sure all webs are up (FastCGI processes for instance)
cfkctl up @webs
## list all services
cfkctl list
## status of some services
cfkctl status
cfkctl status @webs
cfkctl status s1
## pid of services
cfkctl pid s1
cfkctl pids
## remove a service reference completely
cfkctl destroy syncer
can connect to a cfkd
process using a UNIX or INET socket, depending on what the server is running (See cfkd
manpage for details on how to set that up). By default the UNIX socket named sock
in cfkd
home directory is used (Usually $ENV{HOME}/.controlfreak/).
Please look at the following examples to understand the format
/tmp/cfkd.sock # same as the default (UNIX socket)
unix:/tmp/cfkd.sock # same
tmp/cfkd.sock # same (not recommended)
cfkd.sock # ambiguous, will resolve to UNIX socket # TCP socket on localhost port 7000 # TCP socket on port 6000