Invaders -- A Space Invaders Game
A small application to test out a Sprite class that I'm using
for another project. The documentation applies to the Sprite
class. The NOTES below will address the game, as well as inline
(c) Clinton Pierce 2001
Feel free to redistribute. Enjoy!
my $s=new Sprite();
$s->name('spaceship', 'player1');
if ($s->collide()=~/asteroid/) {
$s->image($blowup, 1);
- $Sprite::keycode
These keypress codes work for Windows and Linux (XFree86). There''s problems, of course, with using these to control a game. See IMPROVEMENTS below.
Create a new sprite.
Assigns a name to the sprite. Calling with no arguments returns the names. Calling with a list of strings assigns those names to the sprite.
image(imagedata, [changeflag])
Create a sprite with an image. If changeflag is true, then the existing sprite is overwritten with the new image.
Remove the sprite
draw( createPolygon_args... )
Calls createPolygon to draw a new object here.
place( x, y )
Place the image at the specified location.
Will return a string of comma-separated sprite names that the current object is touching. So if: $rocketship->collide()=~/asteroid/ You''d want to blow up. Note: You''re always in collision with yourself.
Left/Right arrow moves the ship, Control key fires. Alien
bombs or aliens reaching the bottom of the screen will kill you.
To reset, kill the app and start again.
All kinds of improvements can be made trivially
(with 3 or fewer lines of code):
* limited number of shots onscreen at once.
(this cures one sure-fire winning strategy.)
* make aliens shoot more when there are fewer
of them.
* make aliens faster when there are fewer of
* "mothership" hovering above for bonus points
* animate the aliens.
* missles should have some momentum after being
(this kills the other.)
* missles should themselves blow up
Some less trivially (still fewer than 20 lines):
* independant movement of aliens left/right,
* "galaxian" style swooping aliens
* multiple lives
* etc...
Control difficulties:
* Pressing "fire" stops left/right movement.
perhaps someone with a better understanding of
X11/Tk key bindings can help with this.