Changes for version 1.7.3 - 2018-07-01
- Bio::Installer::PAML has been removed. Not only did it no longer work, it was also unsecure. Either install PAML via your system package manager, or download it from upstream, currently at
- Check for the presence of paml programs now happens during build instead of during the test phase. This avoids failure reports from CPAN Testers.
- Fixed reading of results for at least codeml and yno00 in cases where next_result was previously returning undef. May be specific to PAML version 4.8 and 4.9 (current PAML version).
calculate pairwise Ka,Ks for a set of sequences
Parses output from the PAML programs codeml, baseml, basemlg, codemlsites and yn00
Parses output from the PAML program codeml
A container for NSSite Model Result from PAML
A PAML result set object
Wrapper aroud the PAML program baseml
Wrapper aroud the PAML program codeml
Wrapper aroud the PAML program evolver
Wrapper aroud the PAML program yn00